[TSV] Congress Elections August 2010 Analysis

Day 1,011, 09:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
Article #50

Congress Elections August ’10 Special

It has been a while since the last article, due to the holidays and real life callings. Before any regular articles are restarted, here is an in depth look at the past congress elections.
Click the images for larger versions.

The table shows all the statistics of the top 5 parties concerning the election. It shows how efficient all the parties compared to each other. Looking at each parties share of total membership, total votes and total congressmen, we can see that the TUP and the newly created People’s Coalition Party (after being taken over when it was the SDP) have lower efficiency than the other three parties, underperforming comparitive to their size.

This can be shown again in this next line graph. The middle is the membership share, on the left vote share and on the right congress share. The arrows show how congress and vote share compare with membership share.

From at first looking at the table and bar graph, the TUP look the winners, collecting 15 congressmen, 3 more than their nearest rivals the UKRP.

But the TUP had by far the lowest vote and congress share compared to their membership share. Despite gaining overall the most congressmen, the most votes and having 41.55% of the members share of all the people in the top 5 parties, they only had 33.93% share of the vote and 31.91% of congress. This is the largest drop of all the parties. So by their standards, they did not in fact do as well as it would at first seem.

The UKRP managed to increase both their vote and congress share from their membership share, their vote share looking the most impressive. Almost 5% more than their membership share.

The PCP also increased both their vote and congress share from their membership share. This time the congress share looking the most impressive. Despite only have 13.61% of the membership of the top 5 parties, they now have a congress share of 19.15%, not far off a 6% increase.

The story is similar with the RFA. They have just over 6% more of congress share than their membership would otherwise indicate.

The PCP2 is more akin to the TUP, though they have not done as badly. Their vote and congress share is slightly lower than their membership share.


Here is a pie chart showing membership share. These 3 charts are a variation from the line graph. You can see how each party’s share of membership, congress and vote changes from each graph to the next. Sometimes up and sometimes down.

Let’s look back at the table. Here we can see how efficient the parties were with their votes and members.

Look at Members Per Vote, Members Per Congressman and Votes Per Congressman.


Top Party: RFA
Only by 0.01 do the RFA beat the UKRP here. They were the most efficient in this factor. Every vote they got was the equivalent of 2.64 of their members.

Bottom Party: PCP2
Here, the PCP2 were the least efficient by far. Every vote they earned was equivalent to 3.69 of their members.


Top Party: RFA
Once again, the RFA narrowly win. Every congressman they had elected represents 18.5 members of their party.

Bottom Party: PCP2
Once again the PCP2 also lose, though this time the TUP aren’t far behind. Every congressmen elected under the PCP2 represented 35.67 of their members. Almost twice as much as the RFA.


Top Party: PCP
The PCP were the most efficient here. On average, they only had to put in 6.5 votes for every congressman they had elected.

Bottom Party: PCP2
3/3 for the PCP2. For every congressman elected under the PCP2, 9.67 votes were spent. This time the UKRP isn’t far behind. Showing possibly their only weakness of the election.

So looking at all these facts, the overall winner of the election is more ambiguous than it seems. The TUP got the most congressmen, but were pretty inefficient. It will probably be widely recognised that the PCP2 are the losers, not only getting the least amount of congressmen, but being the most inefficient in each category. This could be due to the large amount of SDP members still among their ranks though. The RFA and PCP both performed well for their size, managing to earn over half the amount of congressmen the TUP had elected with well under half the voting power and votes given.
That is all for now.
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Please Note: The MPs elected for the PCP2 are members of The Real Democrats, ex-members of the SDP.