[TSV] Avlana Kiarunto for East Midlands Congress

Day 853, 14:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#40 22/3/10
East Midlands

Hai thar

I am Avlana Kiarunto, running for the first time in the East Midlands.

Summary of Policies
• Get the East Midlands a hospital back (and other important regions too)
• Expand communes
• Forum and IRC active
• Work towards eUK Babyboom
• Liberate France and Germany
• Organise for V2

Summary of Me

• Top 50 newspapers in the eUK (+180 subs)
• PCP-er (6 months)
• IRC and Forum Active (1500+ posts)
• Adderist
• 5 months in the navy
• Ex-MoHA Apprentice

Me (more detail)
I was eBorn on Day 686 in London. I was soon in the navy and the PCP and forum/IRC active. From there I went hopping about different countries under the navy, including Chinese Hungary, Russia, Sweden and Brazil. During my stays in the eUK in between, I spent time as a MoHA apprentice. Where-ever I’ve been I have written my weekly articles on the state of politics in the eUK (I have just released my 19th article for that). I was one of the infamous Winston L.S. Churchill’s (AKA Ajay Bruno, AKA Pizza the hut) main opposes, and one of my articles against him is my most successful one so far, reaching #1 and gaining 249 votes. I decided to finally run for congress in the South West in January, but I unfortunately lost out by a whisker. I therefore went back into the navy, and ended up in Russia. The same happened in February. Since then I have mostly been on the forums, writing my articles and on the HMS Funky, my ship.
I believe the government should not interfere much, if at all, in people’s elives. Everyone should have an equal opportunity at working for the country (if they show the initiative). People shouldn’t dominate markets and create monopolies just for themselves in erepublik, preventing others from getting a chance and instead being forced to work for companies owned by other individual citizens for their whole elives. This should be reflected when V2 economy comes out and different jobs are created.


I believe that a lot of money should now be diverted from the MoD to replacing lost hospitals. The USA is broke and we don’t expect another attack from EDEN for a while now. During the invasion, all regions, except London, were invaded and had their hospitals removed as a consequence. This leaves most regions without a hospital at all and this must be resolved.

Foreign Affairs/War
We should towards liberating France and Germany from the Spanish and Polish, and also creating stronger ties with our Phoenix allies. As for the navy, we should prepare for V2 so that we can organise and distribute specific military options (Helicopter, Artillery, Infantry and Tanks) so that they are to our advantage when fighting enemies. This way it won’t be too unevenly distributed and disadvantage us in wars.

Social/Home Affairs
The eUK needs a babyboom, so we must work towards that. I also believe in expansion of the communes. Instead of paying you solely in money, they provide food for you, and also give you gifts and weapons on request. I am also told you get a house if you work there for long enough, which would be useful with the new hospital rules. Check them out.

That is all. If you want to query me on anything, don’t hesitate to message me.

Vote Avlana Kiarunto on the 25th!