[TRS]Congress Elections; Caption Competitions

Day 5,848, 14:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nifty.

As the eUK braces for another congress election, amidst the array of candidates TRS presents a compelling slate - fostering new voices alongside seasoned advocates. This election not only signifies a chance for representation but also an opportunity to pave the way for a more inclusive and vibrant eUK.

Here is this month's list of TRS Congress Member Candidates:

TopBoy Mitko
Alexander J. Burrell
Rory Winterbourne II
Guey Heorge
Garth Lidlington
Hiram Usta

Among these names, EPThompson, KCC1811, and TopBoy Mitko shine as newer players eager to contribute their fresh perspectives to the nation’s governance. TRS recognizes the importance of embracing new voices and encouraging participation in the eUK’s political landscape and all are ready to get stuck into another term of debates and progress!

But what do you get for voting for TRS? You get the 3 A’s!

Activity - We hold ourselves to a high standard, and are seen often debating or voting in all aspects of ePolitics.

Ambition - All our members are dedicated to fostering a vibrant and compelling atmosphere within the eUK. Electing them to Congress translates to an increased number of representatives actively striving to elevate the eUK to its fullest potential.

Assurance - Absolute confidence that your vote is going towards a congress person that will show up and fight for yours and the eUK’s best interests.

Election Giveaway!

As I’m sure you’ve all seen by now, food prices are going through the roof with the Amazing Journey going on at the moment. As such TRS has chipped in to give away 3000 energy worth of food for every eUK citizen who comments below!

But that’s not all, there’s another 3000 for the funniest answer to the caption competition and 1000 for every entry so be sure to get involved.

The picture is:

Good luck all and here’s to another successful election!

TRS Party President