"Tripping" Another Dark Place

Day 5,183, 07:19 Published in Canada Canada by grindarkly

Went on an urgent trip to take care of my mom and niece. Drove from Vancouver to Toronto. all work and no play. This trip was a beast!

My mom having major problems.... but that's another story. I chop this in two.

The drive itself... oh my! Broken heater to start with only blows "warm air " if i idle, or drive uphill long enough. Cool air otherwise. (Blessing in summer i suppose.) And to boot; my headlights were really fogged up. When they were on it was more like daytime running lights, (if that.) high beams functioned more like regular lights. I had one truck flash there lights at me. (turned them off and on actually) on the whole drive. I'm sure they thought i had only daytime running lights on.

I hit 2 snow banks. No money in them but, it didn't cost me either. (No dents or scratches.) Go figure... 2 banks got hit and nothing happens!. Got to see Edmonton for the first time, It seemed pretty bleak to me. Commercial buildings and houses was all I could find.

I also experienced "ski/skate driving" on highway in 80k winds. More resembled kite driving really.... very exciting drive. it was very fun experience overall though. I even got to play snow plow a bit with my car. adrenal junky I suppose. Dodging covid wasn't enough charge for me I guess. LOL.

Dense fog coming through toward Chilliwack. What!!! Speed 120kph and no place to pull over! Literally forced to keep driving for fear of being plowed into by semi trucks barreling down mountain behind at 130- 140 kph. Yikes. That got my blood pumping. I'm doing between 50 and 70 in the dark just trying to follow faded white lines immediately in front of, and to either side of my car. I could see 1 to maybe 2 lines at a time. They disappeared completely for a bit a couple times and had to kinda slam on brake for fear of careening off a cliff or something. ROFL. What a trip. That was the scariest part of my trip. Remember; my headlights were foggy as well. anyway...long story short(er) I lived through it.

All said and done, the drive consisted of: 80KPH gusting winds, snow drifting over highway, (obscuring lines just like fog), Snow filled roads, (snow plowing car). White out conditions from snow and wind, Icy roads, and dense fog. Dam!!! what a trip! Planning a driving trip? Don't. Underestimate the power of headlights!

Believe it or not. I tried not to make this a long story. Any longer and I'd probably need to consider chapters. I'll close it off here for now. Any questions; you can also feel free to message me direct as well. If you don't need a reply you can type "NRN" I'll take it as "no reply needed." Thanks for visiting and I hope your all having a better year than I have so far.

And I thought high rise window cleaning kept one keen and alert. hah! Dense fog works too among other things.

BTW... Dill if you reading. Stay strong. I'm thinking of you and your in my praying.