[Travelogue] The Square Four's in Trouble

Day 1,739, 19:23 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Andifa Rizki

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Salam beruang besar selalu (sekalipun ava sudah berganti, gw tetep beruang besar).

Ini adalah sub-artikel saya yang berjudul Travelogue yang akan menyajikan ulasan tentang berita dari mancanegara terutama dari musuh dan NE kita.

Oke, pertama adalah curian data dari pres eASU tentang stabilitas hubungan antara eUSA, eSpanyol, ePortugal, sama eBrajil. Katanya eBrajil ditakuti ya? Mungkin iya tentang militernya. Mungkin karena hal lain. Tanya sama siapa yang sudah nyerang Brazil. Ah, jadi kagak nyambung neh.

Mungkin ada beberapa dari kita yang tahu tentang masalah ini, tapi mungkin juga ada yang tidak tahu. Apakah itu? Yap, benar, masalah pendudukan eSpanyol di ePortugal. eUSA dan eBrajil bersedia mencukongi penyelesaian masalah ini demi stabilitas aliansi mereka.

Dan Presiden GloveisLove dari eUSA membeberkan di korannya yang bermerek Voice of Love tentang stabilitas aliansi.
Yaitu seperti ini:

The Porto Pact

The nations of Brazil, Portugal, Spain and USA , tired of endless wars, have decided to join efforts in order to increase the stability of their relations and the prosperity of their societies, reaching an agreement and endorsing the following pact:

Spain and Portugal will end their open war as soon as possible.
Spain will retain the territory of Norte
Portugal agrees on not starting, supporting, nor condone Resistance Wars in Norte.
If a Resistance War is successful, portugal will NE Spain, attack Galicia and let Spain win that battle and the following battle of Norte, ending the war as soon as possible. Both sides, USA and Brazil will make sure no nation will interfere with this action.
Spain will pay Portugal a monthly amount of 50k cc every 30 days after peace is reached between the 2 countries, as long as the whole of this pact is honored.
Portugal will free their remaining original regions through Resistance Wars. Spain will not fight on that Resistance Wars.
Portugal agrees to respect both Spain and Venezuela, not starting or supporting any war against these countries.
Spain agrees not to open nor support any war against Portugal.
If Portugal accept a NE proposal against Spain, Brazil and USA will not renew MPP with Portugal and will support Spain.
If Spain accept a NE proposal against Portugal, Brazil and USA will not renew MPP with Spain and will support Portugal.
Both,Portugal and Spain, will sign an mpp with Brazil and USA. Brazil and USA agree to serve as a sponsors of this pact, solving any discrepancy or disagreement between the 2 sides, and working to improve their relations.
The 4 parties will meet before every 30-day deadline after the peace is signed to modify or renew this pact.

Kita pun boleh memanfaatkan keadaan ini untuk menghancurkan mereka.

Sekian duku Traveloguenya,
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Salam beruang besar selalu.