[TOOL] eRepBar: Extend your eRepublik! [HUN]

Day 676, 08:55 Published in Hungary Poland by pi_wo
What is eRepBar?

eRepublik is a JS script dedicated to Firefox Greasemonkey users . Its main purpose is to make your e-life a little bit easier. It provides a set of common tools, which hopefully will enhance your gaming experience. The main goal by developing this project was to create expandable but not invasive environment in eRepublik UI, that provides access to all important tools, without necessity of leaving eRepublik at all (yes, i’m lazy 😃).

One click changes everything
( high, marketing language 😉

This is what you see just after installing eRepBar on your machine (for detailed installation guide - see below). Not much, huh? And that’s the point. Click on the bar to get access to what eRepBar offers when you really need it.

Wellness Calculator

Simple tool that allows you to quickly determine your Wellness gain for tomorrow and project Wellness and Number of Fights for next 7 days. The last part can be useful especially for new players and help them find best strategy to maximize their damage potential.

The algorithm for the prognosis is not perfect and somewhat simplified... for now. Those of you who know how to read JS Code can see specifics for yourself. Basic idea:

* calculate wellness gain
* subtract 2 wellness to compensate Army Training and Work
* check how many fights are possible for specified conditions
* generate fancy looking chart (for more details: http://code.google.com/intl/pl/apis/chart/)

Damage Calculator

I have a feeling I don’t need to explain what’s going on here.

Basic Features:

* live update - type and see the results
* check your damage in 8 different scenarios
* set different Weapon Quality for different Wellness values
* load up-to-date data of any citizen with one-click

Productivity Calculator

I believe I don’t have to explain what does this tool do either.

Company Management Tool

Now, this thing I’m actually proud of 😉 It is still far from what I expect it to be in the future, but... it works and it works good enough to be published. It is also the area where you can expect most bugs to introduce themselves. Well, the script is pretty complex (at least for me) so hey... you can’t stop it live its own life and surprise you from time to time 🙂


* load your Company data with one click only
example for company i😛
* setup your data once, eRepBar will remember it for you
* build your company from the ground up and simulate your future profits
* check Wage/Productivity Ratio and see which Employees cost you most
* setup wages for your employees and save them, eRepBar will load them automatically each next time
* check your company outcome in totals and for each employee individually (raw materials costs for manu and costr are included)
* rest you can figure out by yourself 🙂


1) Make sure you have FireFox browser installed on your PC (preferred v 3.0 +)
2) Download and Install Greasemonkey plugin:
3) Install eRepBar v 0.1 from this site:
(simply click on the green Install Button, FF will prompt you to confirm installation)
4) You’ve done it, login to your erepublik account and enjoy

What next?

Well, it all depends on how will you, citizens of eWorld, respond to this project. As I mentioned above, eRepBar is still not what I wanted it to be in the first place, but I have to figure out if there is any sense in continuing this project. It consumes much more time, that I have expected 🙂 So! Go on! Comment it, rate it, blame it!

To give you some perspective for future development:

*extensions for Company Manager (aid for multi-company management, automatic updates for currency exchange rate and product prices, sort functions etc...)
* improvement of Damage Calculator (have some idea in this area)
* debug, debug, debug and... oh! debug
* new modules (?)

Sorry Opera 🙁

You have to wait for your turn. For now there is no possibility to start this script with Opera. Some core functions depend on GM addon and I have to rewrite. My bad, some bad choices at the beginning.

Bugs, Suggestions and other stuff

First and foremost: I’m not a programmer! So please keep that in mind while criticizing my job when it comes to code-structure. I just like to play with numbers and skill myself in webdev as a kind of freaky hobby. Therefore code is far from being called optimized. You can expect it to crash, fail or even blow up 😃 (see Disclaimer for details).

Anyway, please report all bugs, suggestions, claims and poems here:



License Agreement

eRepBar is a so called Donationware. You can use it free of any charge (in real or virtual currency). But if you like it, want to support me in my efforts and motivate me to work even harder, you are most welcome to spare me some change for a beer:

Estimated price for a Q5 beer is 1 Gold, but I drink all kinds of beer, even Q1 😉 As mentioned above, this software is free. I don’t want to cut off anyone from using it, especially newbie players who hopefully will gain from it most! But if you feel you can spend a coin or two... it will be most appreciated!

You are also free to modify it, but for your OWN USE ONLY. It means you cannot republish it (even in modified version) without consulting me and my >clear

That would be all,

Hope you will enjoy it 🙂