-- Today's economy fail --

Day 1,078, 13:20 Published in Croatia Croatia by Branimir Vukadin

Good evening to all readers around the world from In Medias Res newspaper.

Shortly, i write newspapers mostly in my country, but this one is for the whole world cause i think that similar problem can be find in your country also.

As you already know there is no difference in job skills, and now it brings problems to all companies cause they can't give a job offer and keep workers for longer time as the number of companies are high and number of workers are limited.

That brings us back on job market where companies fight the battle of they own as they raise wages and that way bringing them selfs in to non profit situation only to bring some workers in company.

Now OK, that's sometime necessary, but problem also comes on other way, and that way are workers that works with low wellness.
As they come to company, owners want from them to work with productivity equal to wage they recive, but on the other way many work with a less wellness, so companies has another problem that's not just killing their profit it actualy kills them.

I write this to open eyes to all company owners, particulary land companies cause they can't make any difference as land companies can only be Q1.

I own two iron companies and cause non profit situation, workers are leaving cause i can't give larger
wage as Q5 tanks companies can, if i give more than 16 ESP for Guru* skill i don't have anything from it, on marketplace i can't go over 0.04 ESP for 1 piece of iron cause no one will buy and if i go under i'm loosing too much money.

Then comes some workers that works with wellness 20-70.
YES 20-70 not just for 1 day, cause i always think that sometime berserk must be done and 2 days to recover is fair from all companie owners to give some time, but 5-6 days for someone that's skill Guru* and LVL 25-26.....

Cause there is big competition between all kind of companies (expect Q4 and Q5 companies) especially land firms as iron, titan and grain i doubt that prices will grow even if you have export licences.

Solution on the other hand can be only two things and they are;

1. - All companies to make agreement about maximum wage on job market regardless on what Q or what branch they are
2. - Finally to start raising their prices regardless on competition.

Thanks for reading and live long, free and prosper.

Branimir Vukadin

EDIT - croatian; ovo sam napisao na engleskom jer je namjenjeno za više zemalja, ako niste učili engleski bilo bi dobro da bar prevedete putem google translatea 😉