.....:::::Today Murcia->Tommorow Spain:::::.....

Day 647, 10:08 Published in France Croatia by Fredrikstadtilian

Great battle.
I saw a lot of Spanish,Polish,Croatian and other Eden guys fight for Murcia.
I would like to thanks to Diarmuid because he provide me opportunity to open RW in Murcia,Spain 🙂

I'm not good journalist,and im really lazy to write articles,so i would like to write:
Special Thanks to:

-R&E Organizacija ->for best&and cheapest q5gunz in hole eworld
-Ledinho ->for brave fights.Gratz on medal 😉
-Kaylee ->for 5gunz 😘
-and other guys for fighting in Murcia 😁

Strength & Honour,friends 😉

Hail Croatia
Hail Spain
Hail Theocracy,
Your Fredrikstadtilian

Post Scriptum->Please Vote and Subz my newspapers, i wanna MM medal(money goes to Eden org😉)