[TM] Party President Election Day

Day 1,211, 02:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by TeMing

Me again, eMalaysians,

Today, I bring the news that it is party president election day today! Free xp for those that voted in it!

As we can see, both candidates in PKeM is legimate. However, we have a PTO in PAFP.. Who is arianfar90? We don't know..

I urge people to join PAFP (even if temporary) and vote for Marcotje


PS: Nothing to write about? Let me suggest a few:

1. Latest changes - Admin is changing this game frequently, you can write about analysis and effect it brings. The latest change is storage. It affected whole economy module again. How to use free licenses obtained effectively, why not to panic/excited and use all the free licenses on large nations, adaptations, 1000 storage limit.

2. Party President Election (which I have posted) - News on party, urge people to join a party

3. Fighting - How to fight effectively in current military module. simple but small tips such as military rank level up, training booster pro and cons. We will have a war to join soon so this small little informations will help new players

4. Updating world news - Update wars, for example wars in turkey/bulgaria/iran/greece, indo/usa/china, russia/ukraine/hungary/romania/croatia/serbia, TWs like australia/chile/new zealand, india/pakistan conflict, inci and how they're threatening eUSA politics

5. Country statistics - strength rank, military rank, work skill, population, how eMalaysia is doing compared to others

6. New citizens advice - Reviews on current government setup, where to find help/donations, history of eMalaysia, PTO past, promotion to join national army, other RL Malaysia forums

7. Need more?

Keep these promotional threads on top!

More forums/blogs available? Tell me or just promote there yourself 😉