[TIA] Sunny scholarship

Day 1,264, 10:11 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Firstly let's enjoy the good bossa nova. Also, don't forget to vote it if you'll think that you should.

Dear friends, several months ago, I, a bloody commie, had arried from Soviet Bot-Russia to America, and discovered the wonders of capitalism for myself. Now I am an insolent, fat bastard like you. Just kidding.

The thing is, I have started making more gold than I need. As is the custom, I am banned every year and a half, thus taking my precious gold away. Precisely because of that I try not to hoard it. But now I've come up with something better.

I've decided to create a scholarship for cool players: talented politicians, good journalists, and otherwise fun dudes. Every week I will choose one such person, and take it upon myself to provide them with 2 gold and 300 food health daily, which they will be free to do with as they please. As resources permit, I'll try to sweeten the deal with more gold and some weapons.

For this week I've chosen the Ukrainian girl, Julya, who didn't win the beauty contest because it was organized by dullards who didn't believe her photo was real. In any case, she is a real proof of the superiority of the Ukrainian girls over the Russian. (Let's hoholsrach began!)

But today I'd like you to help me choose next week's winner. It can be whoever you please, whether it's a young player or an oldfag, an ally of America or a polack. I'm looking for the truly cool guys who will put these modest gifts to good use. AAlso, I will be glad to accept any donations. I promise to use them to increase scholarships.

P.S. Dear Mary, if by some incredible way you saw this post, know that I just dabble.