[TheSchuReport] The Schubacca Sith Conspiracy

Day 3,136, 08:45 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Dateline: Day 3,136

Today's Articles:

1. The Schubacca Sith Conspiracy

What if I told you that Canada is controlled by the Sith. I even looked into it myself. I have the proof right here:

Then why is Schubacca for a MPP with Canada. Well for one reason only: Sith Happens! It's makes our eUSA dictatorship much more sith-like. In Canada we trust we must bring the balance back to the force. Through chaos it brings order.

In the end this may be a big grand conspiracy invented by Schubacca simply to achieve absolutely nothing.

The truth is out there....

Vote for Schubacca for eUSA congress for the SFP. Sith Happens! Let's bring the balance back to congress to make it hairy again. That would certainly be hair raising wouldn't it?