[TheGuardian]Plans, Ideas

Day 1,275, 12:27 Published in Philippines Lithuania by EdgarSimeone

Hello, my dear fellas,

Today, i would like to talk about my visions, ideas and plans for great nation of ePhilippines.

But first of all, every single eFilipino should go to Mindanao and fight in resistance war to liberate our original region.

Okay, now we can back to possible future of ePhilippines.

Foreign affairs

Today, then i logged in, i saw, ePH resigning MPP with eUSA. I dont think this is best move, which could do ePH. You may ask why? Simple - eUSA is in Terra, which is at war against ONE. Thats gangbang. So, eUSA cant grant a protection, if somebody would attack us. Yes, one MPP is better than nothing, but otherwise - its null.
So my propose would be - new MoFA of ePH, which should talk with neighbours about possible friendships, TWs. With biggers countries - about protection. Its not hard, but it took some time, examples - eUSA - eRussia, same eRU and eRomania, eLT and ePL. We were enemys from then, when eLT was added into New World. But few weeks ago, we signed MPP.
So, we should earn a respect from other countries, and this aint hard, how it sounds. Just help them at wars, and communicate 🙂.
Also today, i read an article, where was talking about that:
ePH should join to some alliance. I totally disagree. I know all structure and tasks of those alliances. First - we are too small, second - alliances prefer gangbangs, so we can forgot protection, and third but not least - nobodys want to see such a small country in alliance.
So how we can gain protection? Only from friends. We dont have them? I talked about that above.
NE bonus - this thing is very important, first for strenght, second for rank. Yeah, every day then we train, we will get extra 0.5strenght. It look ridicoulus, but just count how much it will be per week/month.
We can have TW, or real war, to gain a NE bonus. But for real war we should wait. Cos we arent too strong yet, but we can assist other countries, even Indonesia.

So, we should play smart and more communicate.
Its just a game, where one day you are friends, other - enemys.

I can and i want to help, so just write PM for me, and we will discuss.

And at the end - cute lithuanian girl.

As she said - if you dont like this article, then vote and sub for her(one kiss per sub) 🙂

Thats it guys,
See ya next time!