-/The Stock Report\-

Day 326, 08:30 Published in USA USA by sirgermono

With Version 1 on its way, many people are looking for ways to raise capital for new businesses. The most popular option seems to be shares of stock in a company.

What you are looking at now in the first edition of the weekly Sock Report. This publication will list new IPO's, current stock prices, companies that are traded publicly, and will use the comments for people who want to offer their shares in a company for sale, or for those who want to buy in to let people know about their offers. So without further ado:

Recent IPO's

Korbin King's Oil Company
Price: $1 a share, or 1 Gold for 50 shares
Shares Offere😛 2000
Purpose: To found an Oil Company when V1 is released on October 14th
Status: Shares still unsold

Dragonknight's Iron Company
Price: 1 Gold per share
Shares offere😛 20
Purpose: To found an Metal Company when V! is rleased on October 14th
Status: Shares sold out

American Inc. (Kelloggs)
Price: PM Kelloggs for answer
Shares Offere😛 PM Kelloggs for answer, but it is believed to be unlimited
Purpose: To fund American Inc. subsidy American Gifts, and to expand business into housing and food.
Status: Shares still unsold

Thanks for reading, and I hope that this information is useful to people. If I have left a company or two out I apologize, and feel free to send me a PM, and I will be sure to update this article with the information.

-Image provided by thehotpennystocks.com-