\"The Socialist Alternative\", - Defenestration's Model for North Korea

Day 561, 14:43 Published in North Korea North Korea by North Korean Workers Union

Workers and profiteers of North Korea.

Comrade Defenestration is running for president of the People’s Republic. He does this for one reason above all; namely to make North Korea into a true people’s republic.

The model that has been laid out by Defenestration is simple and clear: just as the North Korean Workers Party is building up to show, we can have a smaller government and yet more participation from the common workers of North Korea.

The model proposed by Defenestration is one where loyalty and level of engagement will be rewarded. Instead of a big government complex that may fall into the hands of greedy capitalistic profiteers, this model proposes the responsibilities lie on the workers themselves.

Worker-communes, we may call them, and what it will mean is that companies that can show that they are indeed worker-owned and democratically governed, will be given support from the government in the form of Gold subsidies.

The North Korean model should be one of engaged players who are tired of the same-old, same-old - and therefore come to eNorth Korea to experience a country where things are different.

Defenestration’s model will accomplish this, because the simple fact will be that with this model the old way of just using cheap uninvolved labour won’t work very well anymore. Those companies will not be given subsidies, and will have a hard time competing. If they want to compete, they will have to get their workers involved - and healthy.

All that needs to be done is to appoint government ministers to oversee the companies of eNK. They will in fact handle applications from companies seeking subsidies, and won’t seek them out actively. When a company applies for this they will be investigated, and then a recommendation from the overseer (of which there need only be two or three) is handed to the president and the treasury-general who will distribute the subsidies unless the president says otherwise.

It is a simple system that will create an engaged North Korea, and one that will benefit the WORKERS of North Korea.

For this reason, and because there is much need for an alternative to the pointlessness proposed by the opposing parties,

- workers of North Korea -