**The OG: What I (Think I) Know About My Fellow Canadians ~Part 3~**

Day 728, 17:37 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
31. Yonsil

Likes Anime. A LOT. Its cool though, that's his thing. Oh shi-, he lost his party.

32. Daniel Hawkins

Honestly, he kept impersonating another DH and I never realized.

33. Trent

Always provides 'sexy times'. Especially when my face is used. 🙂

34. Maxxamo

Great [thesaurus word for Impersonation] of William. Je me souviens. Take care.

35. Jason

Is an A.S.S.H.O.L.E. Seriously, he joined today.

36. Adasko

He speaks English better than half of our citizens. LOL. He's polish by the way!

37. frankypicoto

Polar bears have cyborg babies. Well now...

38. Anomie

I never thought a bloody woman with zombie eyes can be so awesome.

39. Averic

Always around to provide french translations. Even for me, a Montreal student.

40. Rylde

Troll, but a friendly troll. He can be seen travelling the nation representing Brucks Canucks...or wait, what is it called now?

41. supabeasty

Thinks silly pictures get people elected into office...He's right.

42. Bu77uls

Witnessed the death of a CPF Moosey. Oh, the horror 🙁

43. patar

Under appreciated fighter. He is a friendly guy, he is.

44. Travis Ding

He's young, but he's committed. That's a good trait to have.

45. zblewski

He's legit. He's a veteran. He's all around awesome.

