**The OG: Vote for Me?**

Day 862, 10:49 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
Actually, don't.

I'm already King.

My Throne, don't touch it!

As ceremonial Head of State, I feel it is my duty to provide a colour commentary on the elections coming up in a few days.

What does the King of Canada stand for?

Money from the serfs.
War against the heathens.
A nationalistic, egotistical, power-hungry, vengeful country ready to kick ass.

Can our candidates live up to my image of a strong Canada?

Bruck promises being a badass.

The nation of Canada could most definitely use someone like him.

Derek promises energetic flair.

Once again, he might be a great addition to the nation.

Treian is a cool guy.

Can't hate him for that can I?

Your majesty, they might say, who shall lead this nation forward through V2 and into dominance?

That is a question that the candidates themselves must answer.

The King of Canada supports the one that can give the citizens what they truly want (besides freedom).

Canada's future military? Yes, these are OUR infantry soldiers.

Canada in V2 must be an economic powerhouse with our ridiculous resources. Don't let no dirty nations touch our stuff, they might turn on us at any time.

Our military should be superior to other nation's our size. Prussian tradition fellas, we not be big, but we can be well prepared, well equipped and well versed in the art of kicking ass and taking names.

Our domestic issues should be handled quickly, and painlessly...preferably through the guillotine or firing squad. No dissenters will ever make Canada strong.

We need a steadfast leader, a creative thinker and someone who does not like bullshit.

Bullshit will hold this great nation down.

Dare to think big people, dare to take Canada forward.

Cheers for reading,

King Amadeus I of Canada
Supreme Head of State
Benevolent Comrade of the Serfs
