**The OG: V2 Makes Banach go Num Num Num!**

Day 832, 15:42 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
Being Completely Honest

This game has been getting a bit bland as of late (the past year or so) and a change of pace would be great to witness. This time around, after reading some of the official admin articles, I can say I'm excited for the future they envision for their game.

Perhaps the last time change came, Banach was not in a good spot to enjoy it to its fullest. The change from Beta to V1 brought only pain to me during my reign as Prime Minister of this fine establishment.

This new promise of change, at least to the economics module is complex to say the least.
Personally, I think they might be pushing the boundaries on what people will accept with the happiness and time management concept (this isn't motherf**king Neopets right?) however I do like the expansion of professions and products. This may finally turn the market into a true free market, capitalism-friendly environment.

I guess I'll spend the next weeks acutely awaiting further announcements and re socializing myself into the game.

For now however, I sit and watch what my Canada is up to.
Is there still a future for me anywhere or is Banach's pot of ideas finally dry...

That is the question I will ask myself in the coming weeks as I peruse through our society.

Better yet, if you need my help on anything, or have any interesting ideas in game that you'd think I'd be excited to participate in, give me a shout and I'll get to it.

Otherwise know that Banach is staying away from politics (apolitical being for the win?), keeping the journalism to a minimum, hiding from the economy and just generally waiting for some great shit to go down.

Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome back and I await to see how this Canada turns out in March.

