**The OG: Banach Explains the New Module** *Crucial*

Day 848, 06:41 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
~~~Return of PvP makes Beta players piss themselves with joy~~~

With the announcement yesterday by admin, a few players might be perhaps a bit confused as to the specifics of this whole amendment to the game. If anyone here has ever played a Total War Game, it will be very similar.

Each region in the game will have a map composed of various tiles, with the "capital" being the center tile. Furthermore, each tile will have its own terrain like forrest, city, etc. Admins suggest that strategy will be based around this new topography.

I am unsure whether terrain is region specific or whether it will be the same in every single region in the world.

I am hoping the former as the region terrain in Siberia should NOT be similar to Pakistan and that should NOT be the same to Central Germany.

Region specific terrain that is accurate to the actual terrain in real life would greatly change strategy and keep the module interesting:

An attack into Canada's East Coast would hinder tank usage pointless but as the forces would move towards the prairies, tanks would be deployed in greater numbers to take advantage of the plains while helicopters would be avoided due to the lack of protection against anti air from the infantry.

Anyways, to win the battle, you must control the center region, a la aforementioned Total War. If you are familiar with the games, you have to breach the town defenses and hold the town square for two minutes to win or be the last man standing. Same thing here.

Add in effects from defence systems and hospitals (I'm assuming they just change armour and wellness recovery?) and we have a pretty interesting concept of a map.


Attacking a region is the same as always. Only difference is that only one nation may attack a region at a time. I think its idiotic and unrealistic, but whatever. No more USA and Canada double team on France's Normandy or whatnot.

~~~Victory Conditions~~~.

1. Control the capital in the middle. (King of the Hill!)
2. Control a majority of the regions.

Need both to win or it will be sudden death after 24 hours.

In that case if there is 51 tiles in a region map, you must control the capital and 25 other regions to give you a simple majority of 26-25.

Rome: Total War!


"Once you deployed your citizen you can move about and engage in Player versus Player (PvP) fights." say the admins.

Remember the standard rules of having weapons and health before you go in! I'm assuming you can deploy into any tile that is yours so front lines are fair game.


I might be one of the few Canucks who were around to remember the ole' days of PvP. From the sound of things, it will be the same just with a concept of choice and ability to buy grenades for extra damage.

When its your turn to fight, you pick one enemy out of a possible five in adjacent tiles and a fight ensues once your turn is over. The fight is calculated. The winner stays on for future fights.. The loser probably gets knocked down to 40 wellness and must heal at a hospital...

*Remember, you can still buy wellness packs*

~~~Okay, terrain and unit advantages.~~~
Infantry own artillery.
Artillery own helicopters.
Helicopters own tanks.
tanks own infantry.

I fail to see the logic but hey, rock paper scissors for the win right?

Secondly, certain terrains downplay these bonuses.

Tank in mud will lose its advantage over infantry (Mere speculation but valid at the same time right?)

Military ranks and strength will find new uses which will get further explained. All you need to know is that you will transfer strength into one of the four new character classes.

~~~What We Should Know:~~~
Each of the four weapons will go with the four character classes.

Nations may produce rifles, tanks, artillery and helicopters just like they produced "weapon".

Strength skill will be distributed, manually, to each class of infantry, tanker, artillery gunner, or pilot.

Here's the logical aspect kids: If you are 20 strength and dumping 20 strength into infantry (for whatever reason), don't fu**ing buy armour to fight in. You'll get crushed.

I suggest to everyone to dump all their strength into one skill and focus on that.

My recommendation: All of our oldest and strongest soldiers in Canada should dump their skill into armour combat- using tanks.

Hearts of Iron Tech Tree

We, and our alliance, control titanium flow. Titanium builds tanks. Tanks are the STRONGEST class in the game. Our enemies cannot field enough tanks to compete with us, and the helicopters are at an advantage but still weaker.

The quality system remains the same with One to Five per product being valid. Think of it like Hearts of Iron of upgrading units. When V2 comes out everyone might display Quality One rifles, and tanks but as time goes by, everyone will slowly be upgrading to the maximum Quality Five.

From the screenshot added to the Editorial, one can see four characteristics of each weapon:

That is where one can see the tank is superior to a helicopter of the same level. Perhaps this will change, otherwise the tank is KING.

Anyways, I'll be the first one to say, let's fu** some countries up.

We have the veteran soldiers.
We have the resources.
We have the allies.

Canada wants war. V2 brings war.

Perhaps as King I should lead my own little army into war? 🙂

How does this soun😛

King's 2nd Heavy Armoured Montreal Brigade

That is one badass title given to one badass possibility of thirty professional soldiers in tanks storming towards Moscow.

Mmm mmm mmm, I can just imagine now.

Canadians, this is what I am speaking of.

Break free from these chains of adequacy and dare to imagine a stronger Canada.

On that note, bring on the war for this nation's thirst for blood must be quenched.


Cheers for reading,

King Amadeus I of Canada