**The KPP and Me**

Day 1,086, 17:04 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings New Zealand

After a bit of deliberation and a shot of Jack I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and run for the Presidency of the Kiwi People's Party.

Some Music for your Enjoyment

When I came to eNew Zealand I joined the New Zealand Unity Party out of necessity. Now that the imminent threat of PTO is past, I decided to take a look at the different parties to see which could be a new home for me.

After going back and seeing this article I decided that the KPP was a party that I would be proud to be a member of.

"The Kiwi People's Party is a party build on liberty, equality, democracy and transparency."

I think we can all agree that the things listed above are critical to a free society. We in the KPP will fight for all of these and foster a healthy environment within the party that will hopefully serve as a guide to other parties in how to conduct themselves.

The party will be built by its members, not those in charge. Certainly the Party President is responsible for oversight, but the true strength, the true core of the party's value, is and will continue to be derived from the people.

I am not doing this out of some ego trip. I have been a Party President before and it is certainly not glamorous. I am running for this position because I feel it gives me the best opportunity to do some good for our nation.

I hope to earn your vote on the 15th, I hope to earn your trust and your support over the coming weeks and serve as a respectable leader for those of you in the Kiwi People's Party.

If you are not a member, I urge you to join. If you are not a member of the national and party forums, I urge you to check them out at the links below.

KPP Forum

eNZ Forum

Please do not hesitate to leave a comment or PM me with any questions.

Remember to vote for Daniel Dodge for the KPP Presidency on the 15th

Thanks and God Bless

Daniel Dodge