๑۩۞۩๑ The HELP Lottery ๑۩۞۩๑ [3rd edition]

Day 299, 02:49 Published in Romania Romania by GabrielP
Organizez o loterie pentru scopuri caritabile care va ofera sansa sa castigati de 5 ori suma jucata.

Regulile simple ale loteriei: Fiecare dintre voi poate alege sa parieze pe unul sau mai multe numere intre 0 si 9. Numarul castigator va fi ultimul din cele 7 extrase duminica seara la ora 18:45 (ora Romaniei) la categoria ‘Noroc’ a [a url=http://www.loto.ro/homepage/jocuri/noroc/arhiva-rezultate.aspx]Loteriei Romane[/a]. Extragerea este televizata la postul TVR1 la ora 18:45.
Ca sa participati la loterie, banii pariati pe unul sau mai multe numere va trebui sa-i donati catre mine iar donatia trebuie confirmata intr-un comentariu la acest articol.

Toate castigurile acestei loterii vor fi folosite in scopurile caritabile ale Primariei Iasi, ajutarea cu wellness a jucatorilor noi si a veteranilor de razboi.

Mult success!

๑۩۞۩๑ ^ ๑۩۞۩๑
[ english ]

I started this Lottery for charity purposes which give you the chance to win the 5 times the amount of money you bet.

The simple rules of the Lottery: Every citizen may choose between 0 to 9 numbers and bet money. He/she can choose to bet money on one or more numbers. The winning number will be the last figure from the 7 digits number extracted Sunday evening, at 18:45 (RO time) at the 'Noroc' category of the national lottery: [a url=http://www.loto.ro/homepage/jocuri/noroc/arhiva-rezultate.aspx]Loteriei Romane[/a].
To participate in this lottery you have to donate me the money you bet and the donation must be confirmed in a comment to this article.

Any winnings of this lottery will be used in charity purposes of Iasi City Hall, like raising the wellness of new citizens and wounded soldiers.

Good luck!

๑۩۞۩๑ ^ ๑۩۞۩๑
[RO] Va rog alegeti-va numerele norocoase !
[EN] Please chose your lucky numbers !

0: zadras (0.01 RON)

1: zadras (0.01 RON)

2: Mihai84 (20 RON)

3: zadras (0.01 RON)

4: zadras (0.01 RON), Matol (20 RON)




8: Dreamboy (10 RON)


Motto: Life is a lottery.

๑۩۞۩๑ ^ ๑۩۞۩๑

Lottery history:

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/add_article-93821-639881.html]HELP Lottery 3rd edition[/a] - September, 14th
Winning no: 6. Monney collecte😛 50.04 RON. Players: 4. No winners.

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-612522.html]HELP Lottery 2nd edition[/a] - September, 7th
Winning no: 9. Money collecte😛 1 GOLD + 25 RON. Players: 2. No winners.

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-578082.html]HELP Lottery 1st edition[/a] - August, 31st
Winning no: 3. Money collecte😛 13 RON. Players: 3. No winners.