~The Heineken Report: Issue 2, 1st Edition. Day 1067 of the New World~

Day 1,067, 14:57 Published in USA USA by HeinekenCoC

Today saw interesting developments throughout all hemispheres of the world, with Phoenix and EDEN exchanging blows in their long fought war across several fronts.

We'll begin with the Central European Theatre.
Hungarian-Romanian Front

Hungarian Forces launched simultaneous attacks on Banat and Crisana, attempting to conquer original Romanian regions after EDEN forces successfully conquered the Northern Great Plain. This Hungarian counter-attack comes with a Serbian attack on Slavonia, Croatia, a possible sign that things might heat up further in Central Europe with this Phoenix counter-offensive. Poland might soon have to get involved through a land-swap with Slovakia or Ukraine.
Greco-Turkish Front

After a string of successful Resistance Wars, Turkey seeks to reconquer all of her former regions by mounting new resistances in the Black Sea Coast of Turkey and Southeastern Anatolia. EDEN attention to the region has since dropped from the time Turkey found itself completely under Greek control. I must say though, if Turkey goes ignored much longer, the region might become the hell-hole it was a few months ago.
Russo-Romanian Front

A large amount of resistance wars have exploded over much of Southwestern Russia, which will thus split Romania's damage among 6 battles. Phoenix however, will need to coordinate it's damage effectively in order for this 2-pronged attack to work.

Asiatic Theatre

Serbian-American Front

In an effort to push Phoenix out of Asia, a highly volatile resistance war has sprouted in Southern Thailand where American and EDEN Expeditionary Forces are giving the Serbian occupiers a run for their money. Only time will tell which side will emerge the victor, however If Southern Thailand falls the Serbs will be left with only 2 regions in Oceania. This will in turn, be a big morale boost for the Americans and by extension give them the opportunity to regain the initiative and continue their advance to Indonesian holdings in the Pacific.

There is no indication of what Australia or New Zealand will do, but if they decide to join in on the attack in coordination with the American Military, there will be a higher chance of success for EDEN and American High Command...

Successful RW Campaign in Turkey coupled with Phoenix offensive into Romania forces EDEN into the defensive.

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