[The Amazing Race]Hello Finland - First Clue and Informations

Day 3,037, 08:31 Published in Finland Norway by Eraclev

This The Amazing Race is a Joint-Project between 8 countries (Autralia, India, Indonesia, Macedonia, Netherland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and United Kingdom) this event will be held in 8 different countries each episode each country will publish an article every day and the winner is person who get higest total points every episode in the final season.

The Amazing Race, works same with Amazing Race TV Show you finish job and get a points.


For more informations you can just click here : tinyurl.com/TAR-Tools

The Amazing Race registration was closed, and 62 peoples from different country registered to this event, 2 is from Finland thats why i published it on finland so the first start is from finland.

Here you dont need to answer question i will just give you a clue which country will publish the article and when they will publish it and give you questions.

Main While I will give you new rules :
Rules for the amazing race is :
Rule #1 - Only registered players that can join this competitions and contest with the other player. Answer from non registered player will not count.
Rule #2 - This is Individual Competitions not team, but any improvement without violate the rules acceptable.
Rule #3 - Violate againts the rules will be given pinalty (reduction of the points) or ban from the competitions.
Rule #4 - Respect each other and dont insult other players.
Rule #5 - Dont spam the mass PM and only message if it necessary.
Rule #6 - The official' decision is final, official of a country not allow to give a clue or tell other players or participant to help them/him/her to win The Amazing Race
Rule #7 - Any kind of cheat is forbidden


Winner of Event : 30000
Runner up of Event : 15000
2nd Runner up of Event : 10000
Other participant will get 200 cc

And special prize is for first winner, countries where you have citizenship will get 10000 cc. And other participants will get 200 cc


You can read it on mass PM or in the Gdoc : tinyurl.com/TAR-Tools

To understand how this is work you can see trial version here

At the moment when the time becomes vacant and is said to be a shift between the time you need to be in a country that is said to be a neutral country and is known for a lot of chocolate and banks

Wait and find the article we will start the amazing race on 16 March 2016 - Days 3039

Special Guess,

Signed by the entire Country President,

Rusty D, Demon war, Don Care Leone, S1lentDeath, Shawtyl0w, I-G-D, Mungos032, and Rathena Gelc