[TH]o The Thai Independent Party needs more activity

Day 540, 13:15 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear members of the Thai Independent Party,
and dear fellow citizens who have not yet decided for one of the other parties,

today I am announcing that I want to care for more activity in the Thai Independent Party.

Our party has had a decline since Jean-Paul Sartre left. In his brief period, we achieved to get 9 congress seats and contributed to a major change in Thailand's self-conception. This change resulted in Thailand's entering PEACE and in building up a well organized army - which are of course not achievements of the Thai Independent Party, but of Thailand as a whole and in particular of the people who took action. After Jean-Paul Sartre's sudden departure, our honorable party president Alvaro Araujo took over again. Alas, he seems to have a serious problem with his eLife. He has not responded to my messages, and he has not worked in the last 15 days (see the screenshot). The party quietly lost members and did not even manage to get its candidates on the ballots of the last congress elections.

All this is history ... and I am more interested in the future. My proposition is to keep our party being the party of the independents, meaning that everybody is welcome and party members may have different beliefs and dogmata. Party members may vote and raise their voice as they feel is right. In cases where we need unity, I will organize an internal voting.
I am also planning to encourage our party members to participate in discussions on political questions, but this is not a requirement.

There will be only few rules. One example is that while being open to anybody who likes to join, I want to avoid gold seeker congress candidates who plan to leave Thailand a few days after the congress elections. I have an idea how we can implement a fail-safe procedure that will prevent this, but this has to be agreed on by all party presidents.

Any further suggestions are very welcome, be it from today's party members or from someone who is considering to join.

Sílo Anor bo men lín!