[Terra] We Wish You...

Day 1,495, 14:40 Published in USA USA by SenatusPopulusQueRomanus
Citizens of the New World,

I kindly ask that you exit your Q6 tanks and restrain yourselves from slaying double-spaniards and pig-disgustings for a moment, as I have special announcement:

We from Terra would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Yep, it is that time of year in where you should probably get out of your room and spend time in that thing called real-life. If you get visited by a fat guy in a red outfit, it most likely is not Santa, and you probably have been having too much to drink, and the visitor in all likelihood is Satan. So don’t let him in. Or maybe it might a hobo trying to rob your house. That’s always plausible. Anyways, should you choose to stay here, more power to you! In all seriousness, we hope you spend time with your loved ones and sip on lots of eggnog and get some mistletoe action. There is nothing like getting it in on Christmas Eve. Trust me. It’s awesome.

Anyways, we would also like to thank all of you for your continued support. You are the heartbeat that drives Terra. When you stay up late at night, when you log-in everyday and follow your MUs orders, when you write an article describing the eWorld around you, when you help that new player understand the game, you are helping Terra, and we sincerely thank you. Terra started as an idea, an idea that has faced many challenges and overcome many obstacles-it was never an alliance, it has always been much more than that, it’s a mentality. And you can’t destroy a mentality.

Enjoy your Christmas and the holidays.

Have a good time.

Long Live Terra!
