[Terra]This is how we do!

Day 1,560, 11:20 Published in USA USA by SenatusPopulusQueRomanus

...We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club!

Today I will explain you how to win.

First of all go to the nearest bank. Ask to open an account and deposit a lot of many (more than 10k € or $ will be enough). Then come back at home. Connect on eRepublik (when it works). Click on Gold & Extras. Then select 390 Golds (it's sales at the moment, so hurry up!) and pay it with your new mastercard. Buy Q6 weapons, bazookas parts and energy bars. Now fight!

Problem sir?

ONE's reaction

Oops... it's not the official way, we manage our victories.

At the beginning it was Pan Am. We all know this wonderful TV seri...uhm former huge American airline. Admittedly the end of the company was terrible, but you can't think about all of the things Pan Am did around the world. Well Terra is the same thing, we're making more and more and even better.

France had a huge babyboom (+4k citizens in less than 3 days), Germany is known as Germark and can enjoy more bonuses, UK is still missing like Spain, ... By the way I'm looking for their congress do you find it?

Terra Gentleman

One of the most important thing in Terra is not brotherhood like in EDEN, or domination like in ONE. It's unity: we're one as the earth, as the sun, as the moon, as you, as me. Terra forms one coalition, one block, one group. We're solid as Germany's economy, proud as French, big as American, fresh as Brazilians, young as Cypriots, spicy as Chilian, alcoholics as Russian and finally nice as Canadian.

United we stand!

We win because we have a global and common strategy, not selfish goals as ONE. All members of Terra counts on our HQ, and they will become reinforcement and help from their allies. We do think carefully before acting, and always take care between each other.

Terra team: young & handsome

Now I will describe shortly Terra recipe to win:
- Have good allies
- Choose engaged and implicated people in eRepublik
- Coordinate actions
- Be united, available and strong
- Have fun
As result you should win all the battles you're involved in.

Terra cooking team, kev is the fat boy on the right

I'd like to thank all Terra members and especially their citizens I think we do not enough thank and congratulate for their participation on battlefields. If Terra is winning, it's because of you and yes I'm verry glad you came.

Saberan, PR.