[TERRA] It's all about community

Day 1,430, 03:10 Published in USA USA by SenatusPopulusQueRomanus

With recent deletion of Spain from map (or with recent event in which one inspirational individual manipulated ONE alliance and got full access to their channels and in game organization) I could easily write another flaming article, especially since my last one stirred quite a big controversy. I have so much material for provocating on my disposal and whole my life I was provocateur…shady provocateur.

But not this time. Now I will write something completely different, something original.

Because deleting an ecountry from the map means we have deprived one community only from their virtual pixels and their virtual possessions. However, pixels are not the reason why we are still playing this game even after admins metamorphosed it completely. Even though this is not the same game I registered for two years ago, its core, and its soul is still the same. And that soul is community, a whole virtual society which is standing behind this game.

The biggest value, the biggest possession that one country or alliance can have in this game is not in number of pixilated regions they have. The biggest value is in us; the players of this game. In players, people who are playing eRepublik and through constant activity building something new, creating a truly new eworld with its own unique history.

Yeah, user generated content.

The feeling of building something, the feeling of establishing new society is a woven into the threads that bind us - all of us together. It is what drives us to login every day and to actively participating in the society that we GENERATED.
Yeah, user generated content.

Administrators created a game, which includes only limited number of functions as a part of the game mechanic. Speaking strictly as a position of game mechanics, there exist only Country presidents, congressional representatives, party presidents, military unit leaders, and soldiers. War between two countries with differing numbers of MPPs is actually just that, war between two countries with different number of MPPs

But passionate and devoted players established whole new institutions, minister places, ALLIANCES. And through establishing that new institutions they added a third dimension to this game.

Imagine it.
Actually there are no such things as government and ministers of defense, foreign affair or economy. However we created that offices. Even more, people are honored when they are selected for administrating job of that positions. In spite that they do not have a real jurisdiction over game that positions are bringing influence over society and respect within community.

For even more radical example I could mention leaders of alliances.

Leaders of alliances do not hold any concrete power in game. They do not even exist as a part of game mechanics. Nevertheless, they are the most influential players in eRepublik. Because they are influencing other players, inspiring and coordinating whole societies to action.

And influencing other players is the true power.

My fellow TERRANS, we can all be very proud on what we accomplished in this game. I am proud on every each of you and should be proud too, proud on yourself on what you built. We truly achieved something magnificent, we established NEW virtual civilization with its own set of rules, own authorities, own political structure.

Of course it is not perfect, but perfection is just utopia, an illusion of idealistic minds. Moreover, perfection is sterile and boring, while imperfection is making things interesting.

I am very impatient man and I am shaking like a leaf from impatience to see in which new bold direction our creation will go.


Written by S.DaN, PR manager of TERRA alliance.

SG of TERRA: kev2969 and Vanek26
SC of TERRA: Caroline, Gabrik and Citizenturk.