[TemujinCP] Final Address: A Message to Wes Lewis

Day 1,142, 15:33 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC
Some Theme Music

Early man walked away as modern man took control
Their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was his goal
So he built his great empire, and he slaughtered his own kind
And he died a confused man, killed himself with his own mind.

Dear friends,

As many of you know, I operate a small cleaning services company "in real life" which takes me all over northern BC on many different types of projects (including fire and flood restoration damage). Today, I was asked by a customer to address several pet spots in a basement carpet. Pet spots are one of the most frustrating problems I come across in my line of work. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the odour and visual discoloration remains. Replacement of carpet is costly and disruptive, so anytime a thorough cleaning is successful, the homeowner is exceedingly grateful and impressed. The good will gained from such an act can provide fantastic word-of-mouth advertising, and off-set some of the mistakes made in the past.

As I stood next to the remnants of canine excrement this morning, I was reminded of this election.

I also thought about Wes Lewis.

Barring a minor miracle, we will wake up tomorrow to a Wes Lewis Presidency. This has caused a great deal of concern throughout congress, and many Canadians do not feel Wes Lewis is trustworthy or dedicated enough to complete his term. I am one of those people who fears the worst, and sees Wes Lewis' history as a red flag of impending doom for this nation. However, there are many truths that continues to nag at my mind, and I must make a statement about it.

Wes Lewis: You have, at your fingertips, a golden opportunity to redeem yourself in front of the entire country. Not many people are given such a chance to wipe the entire carpet clean of excrement, and offset past bad will with good. Use your cabinet members and continue the good work being done in education, finance, and defence. Be active on the forums. Take criticism and commentary with an appropriate amount of tact. Stay on IRC whenever possible, for split second decision making. Due to your past decisions many people are completely against you. Many expect you to fail, including myself. Now is your chance to show just how ingenius you truly are. Prove us wrong, Wes Lewis.

Prove me wrong

I would ask Congress not to act hastily in the first days of Wes' term as President. Already, there are some who are itching to press the impeachment button. Please remember that if an impeachment attempt on Wes fails, no one will be able to propose this again for an entire week. In case of an emergency with the President, it is ALWAYS adviseable to have an impeachment proposal available.

Should Wes Lewis be successful today, he can rest assured that he will have the full faith and support of TemujinBC behind him. This commitment comes with certain expectations, and if Wes craps on the basement carpet, I will be the first to call for change. Until that time, I will support Wes Lewis. He will have the full backing of Canada's second Field Marshal to defend our national interests. I will not hijack any orgs, steal any gold, or prevent Wes from having access to that which is his by right. I might donate 0.69 CAD to myself though 😁

And so on my last day in office, I would like to encourage all of Canada. There is reason for optimism, despite the appearance of overwhelming difficulty. Canada will endure, no matter what may occur. And it is my hope Canada will thrive under Wes Lewis.

Hugs and Kisses,
