[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - Day 2005

Day 2,006, 08:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by Tony Clifford
"the Big Red Express. One of my favourite newspapers 🙂"
"I think your newspaper is one of the most innovative ones in the game.
Your schemes and graphics should be included ingame and your copyright paid by the admins!
Thanks for such magic!"

[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - Day 2005
MPP graphs and figures


Mesdames et Messieurs, Dames en Heren, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is one of the most interesting issues of the "Alliances of the eWorld"!!!

First of all: thanks to the admins 😮
Yeah, after only 5 years, the Media Module saves your article's drafts!! It's incredible: since now, if your browser crashes, your tab closes, your eRepublik automatically logs out: YOU DON'T LOSE YOU WORK!
It took a very little time to fix it: thanks, adimns!!!

Secondly: an improvement of graphics.
Lorcema suggested me to change the graphics to make them more significant: well, I did.
In the old layout, countries were represented by labels included in boxes of the same size, in the new layout, boxes are substituted by circles. Every circle's area is proportional to the (weighted) strenght of a country and of its MPP allies.

Let's show you the changes:

(here: the legend of the labels. For Serbia the old label "CS" is used)

As you see, Serbia is the strongest country of the eWorld. On the other hand, other countries are so weak that you can't even see their circles...
Circles are proportional to the country's strenght, edges linking countries are proportional to the strenght of the countries they link. Colors are related to the alliance to which a country belongs.


And now, the Alliance of the eWorld issue for day 2005.
In day 2005, the number of MPPs dropped to its historical low: only 259 MPPs: 8 MPPs less than in day 1998.
That is fine for me: less work to do.
But that doesn't mean the graphs are less interesting: actually, it is the opposite.

CoT countries in light blue. TWO countries in violet. The Non-Aligned Nations in brown.
EDEN in dark green. Asgard in yellow.
Ex-EDEN in orange. Ex-TERRA in light green. Ex-CTRL in red.

Well, as you see by yourself, this week is a mess.
Last week two clusters were recognizable: a "CoTWO" one on the left and an "EDEN" one on the right.
Now, well: now no more.

I had to use a software to do some order: the software recognized four clusters of Nations: a CoT centered cluster (blue), a TWO centered (red), an ex-EDEN centered (green) and a NaN centered (brown).

TWO countries signed a lot of MPPs with some ex-EDEN countries: namely Taiwan (which is now an associate country of TWO), Romania, Greece and Argentina.

Also some CoT countries signed MPPs with ex-EDEN countries, but a lot less: Italy may be considered in the CoT's sphere of influence now.

Despite this, a lot of MPPs link CoT and TWO countries, mainly from old times and because of historical friendships.

The ex-EDEN-Asgard cluster is exploded, but as I said before, it continues to constitute a cluster of Nations of its own: also here old frienships are hard to die.

The Non aligned Nations really constitute a non-aligned alliance, and maybe, after the movement of CUA towards TWO, now also Ireland could be interested to join.

by Tony Clifford

[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - Day 2005
MPP graphs and figures