[tBRE]A comment to Konrad's article: Wages&Communes from a marxist point of view

Day 2,005, 14:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by Tony Clifford
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[tBRE] A comment to Konrad's article: wage and communes from a marxist point of view


Well, I read ALL Konrad's article "HOPEing For Left-wing Utopia Which They Already Have..." (see here). It's a quite long article, as it is usual to Konrad, but it explains very well the unreasonableness of the shouts of some HOPE party members, who fail in their own logic.

This is my reply:

Well, Konra😛

you may easily understand that those people don't even know what "left" or "communism" is.
Just look to their main proposal: they wan to increase the minimal wage.

Everybody with a leftist background knows that for Marx the "wage" is the very tool used by the capitalist class to enslave laborers.

"Without a class dependent on wages, the moment individuals confront each other as free persons, there can be no production of surplus value; without the production of surplus-value there can be no capitalist production, and hence no capital and no capitalist"
Das Kapital, K. Marx (emphasis in the original)

Hence the need for the theory of socialism to abolish wage-based labour and to establish a system where goods are distributed "to each according to his contribution"

Everybody in this game knows that a low minimal wage is set by governments in order to allow "communes" to work. Communes are called like that because every person who works there gets the same amount of goods (weapons or food) that he produces.

HOPE's main proposal, if you look at that from a Marxist view, will actually strenghten the capitalist class, and abolish the most socialist invention of this game.

I'd like to teach you another theory, after that of communism: the "theory of the enraged people". But that, if you have patience, it is for tommorrow.


by Tony Clifford

Here you may read how HOPE party gets its votes: Voting accounts: a plague of eRepublik politics