| Taxes are FUN! |

Day 507, 13:26 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

My fellow citizens,

As previous stated in my presidential platform it is my goal to change our tax plan. It is a small change but it is a change nonetheless and it needs previous discussion to approval.

My change is simple. I would like to change every single Tax in the Manufacturing sector (Gifts, Food, Tickets and Weapons) to a uniform value of 7%.

This will bring some extra money into the country's accounts and it will also allow us to keep a stable and prosperous economy without asking to much of our citizens.

It will also allow us to take some foreign currency, that can be changed into Gold, without denying foreign companies the chance to export some much need products.

So this is the change I would like to see implemented in the next days by the eThai congress.

Food, Gifts, Tickets and Weapons:

Import Tax: 7%
Value Tax: 7%
Income Tax: 7%

This change will take a few days because it will take 24h to change the taxes on everys single product.

I wouls like to ask everyone to start discussing this and for congressmen to start proposing the changes right after the discussion is done.

President of eThailand