[Swiss Ministry of Health] HEALTH for HEROES!

Day 1,602, 12:22 Published in Switzerland Japan by Sugawara Michizane

Hello citizens of eSwitzerland!

In an attempt to boost the health and well-being of our fine nation, we are launching the Health for Heroes Campaign! Through this program, every citizen of eSwitzerland is eligible for a free 1000 wellness package every Wednesday!

To apply to the Health for Heroes program all you need to do is comment in the article below that you are requesting food!

For other eSwitzerland governmental messages, check out the following newspapers! (Click image to be sent there)

Ministry of Education:

We thank President Dan/naD Wilshire for the implementation of the campaign. We also hope that many citizens take advantage of this program.

Stay healthy, eSwitzerland,

-Sugawara Michizane
Minister of Health