[Struct. Reforms] Introducing Civil Services of ePakistan

Day 1,639, 01:33 Published in Pakistan Malaysia by dodial

My Dear Fellow Citizens,

As part of the earlier announced structural reforms, I present to you the first formal organizational structure for the Government of ePakistan. Every since we have talked about a persistent system, people have been questioning its form and funtioning. Today hopefully the picture of what a system actually means would become slightly clearer for most.

We present to you 'the Civil Services of ePakistan'!!.
I must remind the reader at this point that this is NOT an attempt to mirror the RL structure of government. It may have some similarities, but it is designed purely to cater to the needs of the game. Any suggestion of critism that you make must take that into consideration.



The positions and roles defined in the structure above all represent salaried jobs except for the positions of President and V.President. All other jobs will have a defined monthly salary that will be credited to each employee on the 28th of each month. The jobs are supposed to be permanent until employee resigns of becomes inactive.


Each position will have a set of Responsibilities attached and a 'reporting to' position. The supervisor for each position must ensure that the defined responsibilities are being met by the employed individual.
The responsibilities matrix is going to be a public document that can be found here. This is currently under progress and any suggestions on additions/ammendments are welcome.


From today we will initiate a 5 day open debate on the issue. All citizens have 5 days to put forward any suggestion, ideas, new roles and positions etc. All suggestion will be considered and included if appropriate. After 5 days the framework will (once agreed within the council) be put to paper and any further changes would only be possible through due process explained below.


- Changes can only be proposed through / by the President
- Any changes to the core structure would require 80% majority vote in both the congress and CoE.
- Any changes to responsibility definition of a job/position would require 50% majority approval in congress and CoE
- Any changes to salary attached to a job/position would require 65% majority vote in congress.
- Any new positions or additions to the structure likewise would require 70% vote in both congress and CoE


All governmental structures that we are defining will by the end of the term become part of a binding constitutional framework. This binding however, needs to be ensured by the citizens of ePakistan. Only the demand of the people will create the need for successive governments to not only keep this system alive but continuously evolve and improve it. I want all citizens to know that failure of the very continuity of the system would be a failiure of the people and of ePakistan. Make no mistake about this.

Your Humble Servant,

A continuation of the subject can be found in the follow up article >>here<<