[Stefan] Running for a 23rd Term

Day 1,219, 16:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

Hello London,

To get straight to the point, I plan on running for a 23rd term in Congress, and to fulfill this goal, I shall be re-running in London. For all these months, I have helped serve people like you achieve your goals. I hope that I can continue to do this, but I need your vote to make this happen.


• Congress (x22)
• Minister of Communications (x3)
• Minister of Foreign Affairs (x1)
• Minister of Home Affairs (x1)
• Party President of the Unity Party (x3)

This Month’s Goals

Throughout my many months in Parliament, I have had a 100% voting record. By voting on legislation, whether it be on the forums or on eRepublik, I am voting on behalf of the people of London. A good Member of Parliament must be active in this, as this is what representation is all about. This includes getting involved in discussions on legislation, which I shall continue to do. This is the essence of democracy, and I will continue my high activity rate.

As promised in my last manifesto, I will make sure that I communicate with my constituents. I held a 100% response record to all messages from the people of London, and I encourage people to ask me questions or comments. By communicating with you, I can understand your needs, and better represent you in Parliament.

With recent changes in our alliance, it is important to extend our hand to other nations. By improving on relations with our allied countries, we can set the foundations for a solid friendship for months to come. If I remember correctly, I did bring this up in my last manifesto. But it is important to note that even more changes have occurred since then, which is why it is important to stay on top of these matters.


To recap my points, I will:

Maintain a perfect voting record.
• Respond and communicate with constituents.
• Move the country forward in international relations.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you will vote for me on the 25th.
