[STATS] [3] Statistiche varie eItalia - 20/11 - con comparazioni

Day 731, 14:29 Published in Italy Italy by Martin Sileno

Stats Thursday è diventato Stats Friday, volevo finire di implementare il coso per comparare due scan diverse per stasera ma non ce l"ho fatta (completamente).

Quindi domani (forse) farò un articolo con varie comparazioni. Alla fine di questo articolo c"è un"anteprima di quel che sarà, se avete qualche consiglio su cosa confrontare DITEMELO!

Se poi avete un modo esteticamente migliore per presentare le stats ditemelo, ho messo l"indice e qualche grafico stavolta ma faccio schifo a pensare all"estetica.

Region report
Levels report
Strength & Ranks report
People by Strength
Job Report
Medals Report
Comparison stats [NEW]

Session start: Fri Nov 20 20:43:59 CET 2009

Region report...
Citizens living in Abruzzo: 23
Citizens living in Aosta Valley: 9
Citizens living in Apulia: 58
Citizens living in Basilicata: 12
Citizens living in Calabria: 30
Citizens living in Campania: 69
Citizens living in Emilia-Romagna: 92
Citizens living in Friuli-Venezia Giulia: 481
Citizens living in Lazio: 170
Citizens living in Liguria: 38
Citizens living in Lombardy: 184
Citizens living in Marche: 27
Citizens living in Molise: 9
Citizens living in Piedmont: 110
Citizens living in Sardinia: 33
Citizens living in Sicily: 134
Citizens living in Trentino-South Tyrol: 22
Citizens living in Tuscany: 96
Citizens living in Umbria: 281
Citizens living in Veneto: 94

Levels report...
Level 1 : 460
Level 2 : 38
Level 3 : 163
Level 4 : 96
Level 5 : 59
Level 6 : 34
Level 7 : 44
Level 8 : 55
Level 9 : 44
Level 10 : 23
Level 11 : 24
Level 12 : 52
Level 13 : 120
Level 14 : 98
Level 15 : 152
Level 16 : 144
Level 17 : 83
Level 18 : 120
Level 19 : 69
Level 20 : 58
Level 21 : 37
Level 22 : 0
Level 23 : 0

click destro -> visualizza immagine

Average level: 9.379118
Average XP: 426.05627
Average Wellness: 51.244328

Stren gth and ranks report
Total strength: 9692.118
Highest strength:
Dksh: 22.984 strength.
Catone: 22.896 strength.
Preganziol: 22.688 strength.
Giangio: 22.152 strength.
JBears: 22.062 strength.

Average strength: 4.912376

Total damage: 8914950.0

Highest damage:
ilredentore88: 199944 damage.
Giangio: 184962 damage.
Noria: 166472 damage.
Citizen Cane: 154358 damage.
Fitzcarraldo: 154011 damage.

Average damage: 4518.4746

People ranked Private: 1224
> Their average damage: 19.175653
> Their average strength: 2.4349728
> Their average wellness: 32.992554

People ranked Corporal: 150
> Their average damage: 465.79333
> Their average strength: 5.2311525
> Their average wellness: 66.668335

People ranked Sergeant: 119
> Their average damage: 1100.1765
> Their average strength: 5.914092
> Their average wellness: 74.29865

People ranked Lieutenant: 200
> Their average damage: 2615.14
> Their average strength: 7.221182
> Their average wellness: 83.07756

People ranked Captain: 89
> Their average damage: 6330.438
> Their average strength: 9.669888
> Their average wellness: 86.90035

People ranked Colonel: 91
> Their average damage: 14025.077
> Their average strength: 12.845957
> Their average wellness: 91.663185

People ranked General: 69
> Their average damage: 41256.78
> Their average strength: 16.323072
> Their average wellness: 90.89828

People ranked Field Marshal: 31
> Their average damage: 112298.45
> Their average strength: 20.100775
> Their average wellness: 94.1071

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People by Strength
People with strength [0,1]:3
People with strength [1,2]:611
People with strength [2,3]:198
People with strength [3,4]:200
People with strength [4,5]:274
People with strength [5,6]:163
People with strength [6,7]:111
People with strength [7,8]:83
People with strength [8,9]:50
People with strength [9,10]:39
People with strength [10,11]:37
People with strength [11,12]:20
People with strength [12,13]:18
People with strength [13,14]:22
People with strength [14,15]:16
People with strength [15,16]:29
People with strength [16,17]:16
People with strength [17,18]:23
People with strength [18,19]:18
People with strength [19,20]:16
People with strength [20,21]:13
People with strength [21,22]:8
People with strength [22,23]:5
People with strength [23,24]:0

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Job Report

Avg. unemployed player wellness: 24.49659
Avg. Q1 worker wellness: 63.42488, xp: 405.61026
Avg. Q2 worker wellness: 70.77268, xp: 618.7948
Avg. Q3 worker wellness: 78.41206, xp: 819.32306
Avg. Q4 worker wellness: 86.65986, xp: 1257.6892
Avg. Q5 worker wellness: 86.408646, xp: 1529.1757

Unemployed players: 826

Players employed in lan😛 306
> Of which, 255 work in grain, 6 work in diamonds, 0 work in iron, 0 work in oil, 45 work in wood.
Players employed in constructions: 130
> Of which, 130 work in housing, 0 work in hospitals, 0 work in defense systems.
Players employed in manufacturing: 701
> Of which, 207 work in food, 55 work in gifts, 387 work in weapons, 52 work in tickets

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Medals report...
Total Congressman Medals: 311
Most medals: megalomaniac: 10 medals. Pericle: 10 medals. Manubuntu: 9 medals. Rocco_Marcelli: 8 medals. Samb1985: 7 medals.

Total President Medals: 6
Most medals: Noria: 1 medals. megalomaniac: 1 medals. Catone: 1 medals. Wolontario: 1 medals. Napoleone: 1 medals.

Total Hero Medals: 20
Most medals: ilredentore88: 6 medals. Citizen Cane: 3 medals. BertoHZ: 3 medals. megalomaniac: 2 medals. Preganziol: 2 medals.

Total Resistance Hero Medals: 2
Most medals: ilredentore88: 1 medals. Kajbollach: 1 medals.

Total Hard Worker Medals: 1888
Most medals: Fitzcarraldo: 13 medals. Adrimir: 13 medals. Preganziol: 13 medals. Jonas Wilson: 13 medals. ilredentore88: 12 medals.

Total Society Builder Medals: 9
Most medals: Noria: 1 medals. Compagno: 1 medals. Fabio Milocco: 1 medals. Kajbollach: 1 medals. Zepecane: 1 medals.

Total Medals: 3277
Most medals: megalomaniac: 25 medals. ilredentore88: 24 medals. Manubuntu: 23 medals. Samb1985: 22 medals. Feffo : 22 medals.

Sex report...
There are: 1759 male players, 214 female, and 0 undefined.

Compar ison stats
La tanto attesa sezione 😛
(tanti santi sono caduti a forza di bestemmie per portarvi questi dati)

- Negli ultimi 1 giorni
36 persone nuove hanno joinato l"eItalia
40 persone hanno lasciato l"eItalia
- Negli ultimi 3 giorni
101 persone nuove hanno joinato l"eItalia
153 persone hanno lasciato l"eItalia
- Negli ultimi 6 giorni
213 persone nuove hanno joinato l"eItalia
293 persone hanno lasciato l"eItalia


-> XP table
Spiegazione: Nella prima colonna c"è l"aumento di XP, nelle altre colonne c"è il numero di persone la cui XP è aumentata del numero in colonna #1, rispettivamente da 1 giorno, da 3 giorni e da 6 giorni.
876 persone non hanno aumentato la propria XP negli ultimi 6 giorni
1028 persone non hanno aumentato la propria XP negli ultimi 3 giorni
1269 persone non hanno aumentato la propria XP nell"ultimo giorno

Grafico: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5409/20110032xptxtchart.png

-> Train table
Spiegazione: Nelle colonne successive alla prima c"è il numero di persone che hanno clickato train il numero in colonna #1, rispettivamente da 1 giorno, da 3 giorni e da 6 giorni.

Grafico: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5/20110032traintxtchart.png

-> Fights table
Spiegazione: Nelle colonne successive alla prima c"è il numero di persone che hanno fightato il numero di volte dato in colonna #1, rispettivamente da 1 giorno, da 3 giorni e da 6 giorni.

Grafico: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7886/20110032fighttxtchart.png

tra poco aggiorno e metto altra roba forse ora mi sono rotto

Stats di altri paesi:
- Svezia
- Francia

Votate 😛
