[Statistics] Why USA, Brazil and China will continue to makes us rich

Day 1,574, 04:46 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Some people in Sweden say that the world market will balance it self out in near future. They say everything will cost the same no matter what country you go to. I don't think that's true. I mean, it can happen – but its not as likely as they say it is, in my opinion.

Article by Toothpaste

In my opinion, the countries with big production bonus' will be the one supplying the world – and Plato. It will be as it is happening on the American market for example (see the stats below), since the update: Plato isn't buying their goods - the people of the world are. And we wont buy American products if they are to expensive, meaning: cost more than Platos recommended price where he is active (like in our home country). So the Americans lower their price just as much as they have to, to make us buy their stuff. It happens every hour on the day. Its like a stock market! (I LOVE IT!)

I have seen the high producing countries lowering their prices every day. It happens in USA, China, Brazil, even Serbia. And I think that it will continue like that, especially since more and more people will migrate to the bonus-rich countries. I mean, there is really no point in staying in a low production country. At all. Economically speaking. But more on that in another article...

And when people move to America with their 100% production bonus, they don't have to buy an export license to sell their production on the USA market if they don't want to. They can export everything back to their home countries (like Sweden) - but they will become part of the American work force, making the production profitable for the Americans that will hire them.

Image: World economics explained in style.

Production and amount of goods on the market should rise, but there will always be low amount of goods on their market compared to their population. Therefore, Plato (the bot) wont buy their goods at recommended price. Plato is not need – players are selling their goods. This will result that the players are actually setting the price after the demand on the American market, with out Platos involvement. Meaning that the world player will continue to buy cheap American goods and export them to their home countries. Traders with lots of export licenses will do that too.

In the small population countries there will be to much goods on the market, resulting in Plato buying at highest price and as much as he can to make the general player continue to make some money so he keeps on playing. At the end, everybody will be happy. Americans will make cash, players from small countries will make cash. Toothpastes status will rise to a god. Admin will keep players playing.

Thats all for now.

Enjoy the stats below. And recognize my photoshop-skills from above. And remember that this are just my thoughts - or maybe wishful thinking - but its based on what numbers are telling me.

Btw, you see that gap between the fat red line and the blue one? That's my profit since the update. Cha-ching!


FBS Rep in the Congress