[State] Updates and Musings, Day 4579

Day 4,578, 19:25 Published in USA USA by Department of State

Hello nation, I realise these are unique times in the real world we are all going through, but I just wanted to take a minute to give you some brief notes in case this is the last time I get to do so in an official capacity. The past month has also been singularly remarkable for us in game, and I'm sure you all have thoughts on that as well. There are those who eschew the role playing portion of this game as artificial, but it was precisely that meta that has allowed us to operate our economy safely with no reasonable expectation of further invasion. In addition we have regularly scheduled training wars for the benefit of the button clickers amongst us. I would also like to announce and addition to the State Department team, Aymen Bentahar. I am looking forward to bringing him on board and showing him the ropes.

As a side project I have also enjoyed setting up a brand new corps of ambassadors and have had contact with national envoys sent from abroad to us. Again that’s meta, but I’ve always enjoyed the personal touch. Connecting purely for the sake of connecting makes such a mechanical pursuit more human. Which reminds me, I'd like to introduce eIreland's new Ambassador to us, Gracee OMalley. Please give her a hearty American welcome if you see her around. She might be a bit shy, but she really is quite lovely once you get to know her.

In case there is any confusion over where we stand alliance wise, we have not left Code and we have not joined Asteria. At this point it would be pointless and premature to do either. We have a period of six months breathing room where we can gather our bearings. In that time it is possible for the landscape of the game to change. Whether it does or it doesn’t, we don’t have to make any decisions as of now. Farther down the road our options may look entirely different, or the wigs might make significant changes and we can take a course of action at that time. Right now however we should stay the course, gather information and keep our eyes and ears open.

Truth be known, it certainly was not unpleasant to deal with Asteria. They were straight shooters who knew what was coming and were well prepared. At times the conversation was entertaining. It certainly is within the realm of possibility that we could have dealings with them again in the future but on much better terms. They are and continue to be quite responsive to us. At the same time, it is not my position to sit in judgment of Code. It is to be understood that this game is now a far cry from what it once was and the way the token marketplace operates is clearly a reflection of such change. Sometimes in life however, changes are not always for the better. As always my inbox is open, but in the future if you would like to give feedback as some of you already have, I ask that you keep it......civil.

Lastly, if you would like some food, no strings attached, just leave a comment in this article. While you are at it, take a minute to subscribe to this and all other official administration newspapers that you see in the media. It is my hope that I will be able to write future articles here for you. I would also like to thank shiloh13 and Aersidius for helping me run the State Department this term, very well done gentlemen. Thank you most of all for reading and following along. Don't forget to vote in the Presidential elections on Friday,

Sincerely yours

Minister of Foreign Affairs, PimpDollaz