[State]Message From Brazil: "Brozil biggest war ever!”

Day 1,912, 13:45 Published in USA USA by Department of State

Hello America. It is no secret that Brazil is, and has been for a long time now, one of our biggest bros. Name it, we've done it for them, and vice versa. We always stand by them, just like they do for us. One of the least common things we do for them here in the state department is acting as a middle man between them and our citizens, but that is why we're here today. The following is a message from Brazil's President ChaingunMAX and their MoFA Suriatex.

Hello Americans allies,

Brazil isn't used to be in long and challenging wars over these 5 years of eRepublik, mostly because of our geography, and because we always fight hard for our allies, taking care of the "nights" to many allies.

Brazil comes here today to ask for help in the most important moment in our eHistory.

In the next few days, our country will face an enemy which we have both RL and in-game rivalry with: Argentina.

So, today and in the next days, we ask for all the American people to help us in that war, which we forecast being long and challenging.


Thats all for now

Minister of Foreign Relations:
MoFA: Suriatex.
vMoFA: Kongha CAT e Toboco.
Consultor: Guilpas.
MoFA Team: vw9qoj-jr, NandoRafael, Leeooam, e-Xallax, Sr. Morcego, Suwkz, Davylsonn, Mulauca, Locothi and Zalth.