Starkad for Prez

Day 501, 23:43 Published in Germany Germany by Tolo

I will keep this short and straight to the point.

I support Starkad for president.

Why you may ask but i have a couple of reasons..

1. He is a great businessman and knows the economy and how to adapt it to the current needs.

2, He knows whats wrong in the military and will fix it..

3. He is a fairly sensible man and has some sense in foreign affairs. He can repair some important relations.

4. He is very active and always available to me 🙂

That's just a few out of the top of my head. I will vote for Starkad and hopefully so will you..

Join the Rorlivution on April 5th!
For a strong Union
stark - stärker - Starkad

Starkad Rorlikson for president!
(not stolen at all)😛