[Srg91] Post -Anti Take Over (ATO) Country President (CP) Election

Day 1,073, 22:37 Published in Australia China by srg91

Good day Australia,

Warning - Wall of Text

Ever since June 2010, eAustralia has been under Political Take Over (PTO) threat by an organisation called Angel and Demon. This organisation emerged from no where, but contained many high profiled eIndonesian players, naming Wonder Forward (past eIndo CP), wizzie Don aka regen (past eIndo CP) and sandygee (high ranking eIndonesian soldier) and many more. By July 2010, this organisation successfully PTOed eAustralia in the position of Congress as well as CP.

For the new players who have joined eAustralia since June 2010, CP elections have been a battle, not between eAustralians fighting for being the best CP candidate of the month, but a struggle for an entire nation's independence and freedom. This fight has cost eAustralia heavily, from man power (players) to having no currency/gold for our nation to grow (as we had no control of our national treasury).

However, I am not here to talk about the past. I am here to talk about the present. I know what you new players are thinking about. Who is this guy?? Why should I listen to him? To answer that, all I can say is that I was once a senior Cabinet Minister that served eAustralia and I always had eAustralia's best interest at heart. I am now semi retired but still keep an eye on eAustralia here and there.

On the the meaty of the this article.
For the new players, this upcoming CP election would represent freedom. Having that choice to vote for the BEST CP candidate that eAustralia provides. I am not here to tell you who to vote for, but I am going to provide you with some of the policies that I believe a suitable CP should have in their policy of this month.

In terms of Economics, we should aim for strengthening our currency value. The main concept here is to increase the gold eAustralia have in its circulation. I think we should aim to stable our currency value at 50 currency per gold (this is the global average).
There are, stop printing, reduce over all production cost and aim to export our products that can help our nation.
Stop printing:
Stop printing would stop creating currency for our nation. Hence the currency in circulation would be reduced as players quit or become inactive. The would mean that our currency would need more gold to buy in the long term.

Reduction of over all production cost:
Reducing production cost is not one of my most popular ideas, because this would represent reduction in paid wages to all eAustralian. However, more foreign players would pay gold to convert into our currency and buy our cheaper products.

Exporting production:
This would also increase our currency value, as we are selling our product for foreign currency. This would mean that we can convert those currency into gold, and use this gold in the eAustralian economy.

Aside from Western Australia region, we should not be thinking of taking ANY other regions. Even for WA, we probably need to time this with eUSA attacking eIndonesia, such timing will be important in reserving our resources and helping eUSA in winning against eIndonesia.
MPPs with Eden nations are a MUST, as it provides us with battles for training.
In terms of military. As eAustralia does not have the economical capacity to sustain many battles, I do not think military (aside from afew of the best soldiers) would be that important as of yet. Expansion of the military should be considered only once economics is stable again.

Socially, eAustralia has lost alot of active members. CP candidates should be aiming to one: education new players and two: try and recruit older players into eAustralia for high skilled labor.

I think thats really it. Lots to be done for the upcoming CP candidates and I wish them best of luck.

EAustralian Citizen