[sr/en]Svemocni scoLLe | Almighty scoLLe

Day 1,153, 06:40 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by ScoLLe


English version below.(for the Pizza_the_Hut) 🙂
Dobro jutro radni narode eCrne Gore a i svijeta !
Danas cu Vam pokazati zbog cega sam ja SVEMOCNI scoLLe!

Sve je pocelo 14.01. oko 2h uvece, dok sam se smarao na irc-u. Vidim vazda ove pljuvacine ima oko bilo kojih izbora, pa sa nekakvom ludom idejom rekoh da se kandidujem ispred tadasnje stranke-Narodna Stranka- , i da napisem clanak u novinama -koji mozete procitati klikom na ova plava slova. Iko iole normalan da to procita , vidjece da je to jedan NENORMALAN CLANAK , i da je prava namjera tu sakrivena-da se oraspolozi ovaj narod malo u ovim 'teskim' danima...

E sad , kandidova' sam se i na moje VELIKO IZNENADJENJE , pobijedio sam... A evo i kako :
u sitne sate sam vodio 20:19

A onda kad sam se probudio stanje je bilo ovako :
gubio sam 20:19

A ipak , rezultat je bila moja pobjeda , i kao sto sam rekao u proslom clanku , ime stranke ce biti kao sto je(max je 30 slovah).

-E sad , sto se tice plana rada i toga .... pa o tome cu Vam ispisati ovih dana , samo da napomenem da ovog mjeseca 'hajvani' nece ici u kongres , (u proslom clanku sam napisao da dajem mjesto u kongresu za gold , to je bila jedna velika laz 🙂 )


Good morning working people eMontenegro and the world!
Today I'll show you why I am the ALMIGHTY Scolle!

It all started 14.01. about 2am , as I was bored on IRC. I see that around any of the election there is always some shit, so following a crazy idea I placed my candidacy in front of the the party at that time - Narodna Stranka-and to write an article in the newspaper - that can be read by clicking on the blue letters . Anyone remotely normal to read it, he'll see that this is an abnormal post, and that the true intention of the hidden-to cheer the little people in these 'difficult' days ...

Now, on my surprise, I won ... And here's how:
at 4am

And then when I woke up the conditions were as follows:
I lost 20:19

And yet, the result was my victory, and as I said in my previous article, the name of the party will be as it is now 🙂

-Now, as for the plan and then ....I'll let You know, just to remind you that this month 'foolish' will not go to Congress, (in my previous article I wrote that I give a place in Congress for the gold, it was one big lie😁

sorry for mistakes, hope You understand!