[Spam] Community Reward Framework

Day 5,652, 08:47 Published in United Kingdom Hungary by Nifty.


Last week TRS (assisted by some of TUP's Congresspeople) passed a motion ring-fencing funds for a Rewards Program. The Government has appealed for ideas as to what any such program might look like, and TRS has risen to the occasion to put together the below framework, which we are publishing here as a public consultation!

The core principle behind this suggestion is that each citizen has a Gov-held fund of 20,000 GBP, which they can make withdrawals from over time as ‘reward’ for undertaking certain activities until they are level 30. After level 30 all unclaimed funds go back into the rewards kitty. A use-it-or-lose-it approach!

We are happy to adjust the approach based on comments, and are happy for the Gov to pick it up and use it as-is.

This has been put together by members of The Real Spamicans, and co-ordinated by the Real Spamicans Domestic Policy Group (remember this?). If you want to be working on ePolicy this way then join up to participate. This is a great example of an output made by collaborating with members that like to think about these things whilst the rest of the party is in the other room having ‘fun’! More is to follow!

The 20 : 30 Rewards Framework

The 20 : 30 Framework is a proposal that each citizen who registered in the eUK will have an entitlement to a 20k pot of GBP to claim rewards from until they are level 30, and whilst they remain an eUK citizen. They can claim rewards until they are level 30 or their 20k allocation runs out. At which point unwithdrawn funds are returned to the Rewards fund.

A list of activities and their reward value )in GBP) will be maintained, with citizens being able to withdraw cash from their fund for completing activities from the list below. They can claim against each activity once per month. Players will send their claims in to the MoEd/other Gov rep who will manage the rewards funds from a dedicated org

This approach is both to encourage a longer term engagement with eRep and ensure they don’t burn through their entitlement too quickly!

A suggestion for the list of activities and their reward value is as follows : *

➟ Read and comment on: 2 articles - 200 GBP / 4 articles - 500 GBP

➟ Write a meaningful article - 400 GBP / 2 articles - 1000 GBP

➟ Add 10 UK Citizens to your friend list - 500 GBP / add 20 - 1000 GBP

➟ Add 5 international Citizens on your friend list - 250 GBP

➟ Use party/MU/friends feed - 200/400/600/800/1000 GBP based on commander/PP/friends feedback

➟ Use party/MU chat (erep or other) - 200/400/600/800/1000 GBP based on commander/PP/friends feedback

➟ Running for Congress - 300 GBP / Getting elected - 500 GBP

➟ Hardworker medal - 1000 GBP for first medal, then 500 GBP
➟ Super soldier medal - 250 GBP
➟ Battle/RH hero - 250 GBP
➟ Campaign Hero - 250 GBP

The rewards, in keeping with the purpose of the ring fenced funds, are intended to encourage engagement in eRep and in non-combat activity (as fighting is rewarded separately by the eUK subsidy scheme). The list need not be exhausted and the Government should have liberty to add to it.

*Please suggest more activities or different values if you have any ideas.

Pretty simple! The list is by no means exhaustive and can be added to by its administrators (Gov or otherwise). As you can see they tend to be things which encourage engagement in the community, which is the single best way to retain players (like a can retains spam).

Framing the fund as an ‘entitlement’ for new players places them at the centre of the reward model and makes it clear that all that cash is waiting for them if they get stuck in. To make the most of your fund you would have to consistently work at the tasks over time, which will support new and active players and hopefully encourage them to stick around long enough to start liking it!

The scheme can of course run in parallel with energy schemes such as Bupa and with mentors - it won’t solve the new player crisis on its own but it is a positive and simple-to-run step in the right direction when it comes to early e-life care!

This framework has been published so people can add their thoughts and ideas and to give the Government a leg up in setting up an activity framework - so please add any remarks in the comments section.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for engaging constructively!