[SoE] Party President Announcement

Day 1,153, 12:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Stark Hater

Hello Ireland,

Thank you to everyone who voted yesterday, and I think that the issue of the surprise contender was dealt with very well by all involved.

In this article I'll address some of the current issues with us, and mention some upcoming plans.

SoE Companies
We currently have several companies in our possession, and are offering jobs at minimum wage in return for supplies. If you are interested in supporting us by working in one of these, please PM myself or OJ.

Removal of OJ's Dail Privileges
I for one, and I know several of our members agree, are deeply disappointed by OJ's treatment within the Dail. I'd like to take this opportunity to mention that OJ has contributed a lot more in his time here than a lot of his aggressors in this country.

Country President
The SoE still supports celtictiger221's place as CP. If any of you find an opportunity to support his office, I urge you to consider doing so.

SoE Forums
A lot of impotent discussions are due to take place in the forums over the next few days. These include party positions, congress, our party manifesto, and, starting as soon as I can find someone up for the job, we'll be able to alert TDs to important Dail discussions and new votes, as well as give a private area to discuss these. The SoE forums can be found

Congress Elections
I will be requiring every candidate to post their intention to run on the forums before placing their candidacy. If you do so, you will be guaranteed support on the day. Also, if possible, consult with us before registering ingame.

That's all for now. I'll be writing again within the next few days regarding party positions and congress.

SoE Members! Make sure to register on the forums here, and joining #SoE at Rizon. If you don't know how to use IRC, please PM me.

Stark Hater,
SoE Party President.