[Slua] A Proposition

Day 4,090, 13:24 Published in Ireland Estonia by LarssonKaisa

Mo Chairde,

As many of you are aware I have the intention to run for Country President on the 5th of February. Since my return to eIreland I have shrugged off the job and encouraged others to give it a go, flex their muscles, spread their wings etc. At this point of time I feel compelled to become President and commit to crafting a weapon out of our community.

The past few weeks I have seen a rise of political activity. The creation of different identities and for me this represents cracks within our society as players begin to find an identity that comes before being eIrish. For me, that is wholly unacceptable as we are too few to be divided. As unfortunate as it is, this game is now entirely war based and as players, we should primarily focus on strengthening our military via the means of coordination and cooperation. The only means to do that is to create a community worth fighting for.

I do not fight for any party, I fight for eIreland.

Over the coming days I will release one or two more articles outlining my plans and ambitions in a bit more detail.

I am also looking for any citizen who wishes to become involved at Government level to message me directly as to why they want their respective position. I will be looking for the following:

Minister of Finance
Minister of Defence
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Home Affairs.

Le meas,
