[SK4CP] On Foreign Affairs, Military & Economy

Day 1,591, 15:30 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

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My Platform:
1.Opening Statement
2.On Economy, Foreign Affairs & Military

To come (order currently unspecified):
Government, Society & Politics, Current Events, cabinet & closing statements

Good day eCanada,

This is my first article and will set out my platform as I announce my candidacy for CP. I have numerous topics to present, therefore this first edition shall deal with three which are inter-linked with each other. Our economy supports our military capability, and our military might is fundamental to our foreign affairs.

Foreign Affairs

The official MDP international policy relating to foreign affairs is as follows:

“-International Policy-

- Maintain good relations with our alliances through good communication and actively participating in war stratagizing.”

For the advancement of the Nation we must take a more forward and leading role in our alliances of EDEN & Terra. We must act in responsible and committed ways as our actions will be reflected in the respect that our allies will hold towards us. Our potential will be achieved from a commitment to this purpose. This is a simple point to make, but will require strong, forward facing leadership, and conviction for our principles. We will need to work hard and the task may be daunting but we will not elude our responsibility or fail in our resolve. Our dedication will be rewarded with prosperity & security.

Should it be that difference arise within our alliances or would other Nations cause us to distrust their interests or action, we will pursue and engage in all diplomatic option and alternatives that may be available in a direct and straight-forward manner for the quickest resolve. At all times however, I will put eCanada first and demand we be heard and accorded respect. I will not tolerate eCanada to be subjected to ridicule or scorn, nor will I condone transgressions that threaten our interest and relationships. Those who would seek to do harm to our country will be held accountable, our enemies will be punished and defeated. Any Nation that would break an Agreement or be found to be counseling others to rise and fight against us; interfere with our relations; or support insurrection against us will be penalized. Loyal allies, as we are to them, will have the honour of working with our Nation to expand & prosper in the eWorld.

The MDP is progressive in their ideology. We advocate that any and every party to be true to its country must strive to advance the interests and potential of their country. This includes expansion and the occupation of necessary regions fundamental for our growth. Without expansion progression is a futile goal. Any and every individual who would not act to pursue expansion is holding all of us from achieving the greatness our country is able to attain. Such attitudes will have no part in our Government or in my Cabinet. MDP is fully committed to eCanada. We are pro-eCanadian and pro-alliance in foreign affairs. We must have strong and supportive relationships with or Allies to accomplish these goals. These are the principles I will assert and stand for when I engage in discussion and make decisions regarding our foreign affairs.


The official MDP manifesto policy on the military is:

“-International Policy-

Stand by tenet #8 on continually pushing for aggressive military campaign to help our allies and expand as much as we can maintain

-MU Policy-
-tenet #5- Taxes will be used to fund the nations military units to help them achieve maximum efficiency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members
- mandatory audit of all public MU's
- Offer programs to private MU's
- After one major strike or three minor strikes in auditing of private MUs they will be required to become public or a change in organisational command to be eligible for funding again.
- To create a MU program that provides MU mentors.”

The most important partner in this circle of policy is that we must be committed to expansion and advancing our country. If we want improvement we need to expand; if we want to expand we can only do so by military might. Through foreign affairs and honourable relationships we will gain invaluable respect, but we must improve and dominate in practical warfare to guarantee this goal. Pushing our military limit includes economic expansion, which is whole topic on its own.

The primarily military aspects on expanding our military limits is as follows:

There are two words to my military policy: Military Units. We must increase the strength and damage capabilities for all MUs. This is the primary way to increase our military strength. How to do this is another question, and we must find the most efficient way possible to do so. That is why I encourage all public MUs to be government funded & audited.

The program will require an expansion of the responsibilities and authority of MU auditors, renaming them MU officers (MUO). The new responsibilities will include encouraging, promoting and guiding the MU(s) to increased efficiency and work towards self-supply. We must find the best way to achieve these goals and then make sure funded MUs are able to utilize the same strategies so that our military resources, and its capability, is improved. Admittedly, this is still only an idea; with only a purpose, however finding the perfect practical way to do this will require Congress to work together with me and look at all options to develop the correct program. I know this will involve all eCanadian in MUs that are participating in the MUO program, this requires concentration and determination, although it will prosper each and every eCanadian in all MUs which are participating.

Now, to be expansionists we will need somewhere to expand, then somewhere else, and more beyond that. As we take a more leading role in our alliances we will be at the forefront of conquest. My objective is to ultimately expand into Eastern Europe. To do so, we will determine which regions we need and march through them one at a time until we accomplish this mighty objective.

Once we have expanded to the limit which we can maintain, it is then time to rapidly increase our economy's GDP so we are able to supply our military even more. This will be the purpose of our Economy platform.


As CP I have no direct power over much economic policy. I do not set taxes, I do not control funding, I am not going to be my own Minister of Economy. However what I will do is this, I will push for an economy that expands our country's limits. The economy supplies our military, when our military is strained it is then time to increase our limit so we can push our military further.

The official MDP manifesto economic policy is:

-income tax: kept low to provide spending money for eCanadian citizens

-import tax: Keep high to protect the countries economy

-VAT: Kept low to provide spending money for eCanadian citizens

-program Guidelines for national funding
guideline for the purpose to speed up decision making for programs.
- program has to have a set demographic(s)
- program has to have a set aim(s)
- estimates of the cost of program (ovarall, per participant in program, ect)
- clear benefit(s) of the program (may be same as aim)
- proof that the program works low-scale before becoming a national program (can be a step-by-step plan)”

Not all of these policies are needed at this moment in time, however these polices are my objective. Recently the donation limit for Congress has risen to 400,000 currency. This will allow better funding of MUs and any other funding programs that come. Income from taxes will have to match expenditure therefore taxes will need to be assessed base upon our needs. However when possible I'd like to see Congress ensure we gain more revenue foreigners paying tax, rather than eCanadians. I aim to ensure there is more wealth in the treasury & the accounts of eCanadian citizens. The program guidelines for national funding is just that, guidelines. Guidelines will be used to improve the decision-making process and to evaluate and then implement the programs that should be accepted for government funding. Congress has the final say in the matter. This is a policy that can be proposed and implemented as we grow and expand.

I will push for congress to pass programs that will increase our GDP and help our economy in general. This is vital to be able to fund our MUs. If the economy is to support and increase the limit of our military power then we must also expand our economy, not just our colonies. Targeting regions that will give us resource bonuses is vital for this goal. When we near our military limit in expansion I encourage increase of funding for the MU building program so we may increase supply of MUs as fast as possible, working with MUs to do this as quickly as possible.

With these economic goals in mind, I believe great wealth is ahead for eCanada all round . Expansionism, Military increase & Economic gain will bring wealth & power to the nation, something we must strive for to advance the nation. Individual citizens shall prosper with wealth, and in turn increase production with production & Raw Material buildings increase. This is a circle of ever increasing prosperity. Once more, any and all citizens contribute so, with either supplying themselves or their MU, or selling on the market for others to use in supply.

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