[Sheep] To The Shepherds and The Flock

Day 1,503, 06:51 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by av khan

I know its long but its important (in my opinion) for ePakistan. So please bear with it and don't say TL😉R. Cause I looked for no TL😉R when I wrote it in 5 hours.

Hello readers,

Its been quite a few days since I wrote an article. Quite a long time as per my routine. And I have been inactive on IRC as well. Lemme tell you the reason first. I have been ill,not seriously and not enough to be away from erep as its the most interesting past-time when one is ill 😛 but unfortunately my brother is seriously ill. Though on the way to recovery, hopefully yet not surely. Moreover, friends and family chose the wrong time to visit but of course these are holidays so can't help it.

That being said and reason of absence of article in media and less activity in past 2 days explained. Lets continue to important stuff.

kualkerr died.
Killed in-fact.

You can have a look at articles below for more details if you haven't already read them.

[MA] Kualkerr assasinated, country in tears.

I wanted to pay a tribute to him but I couldn't due to the problems stated above. Yet, of course I was active enough to look around media, erep and IRC to pay a visit to his egrave. And now the time of mourning is past. So I would just like to salute him and pray that his esoul may rest in peace. o7

Now my friends,

As I mentioned previously (click previously and your mouse will become alive and bite you, believe me), we were depending on kualkerr mainly for our foreign relations especially with ONE. As I said then and now its proven. That was a grave mistake. Not because kualkerr was incapable, far from it, he was very capable but because we don't have even 1 effing person now who can replace him fully. Not a single one.
This is not our fault exactly, its inherent trait of RL-Pakistan in all games and sports.

Sorry to all the strictly elife people 😛
The rest.
Remember Saeed Anwer and Amir Sohail?
You would if you are old enough and interested in cricket.
Well they were the best opening couple of Pakistan (as far as I know) and perhaps one of the best in the world during their time as well.
What happened?
No one prepared a proper replacement as all was good at that time.
Now we don't have a proper opening couple for last 13 years 😃
Cool, isn't it?
Shite, I say.

But these things are insignificant now, yet why I am pointing this out is because making a mistake is not wrong. Making the same mistake a second time is wrong.

We must rebuild and we must rebuild learning from our mistakes.

Dodial the crazy 😛 dragon is trying to do something here.(Yeah click on 'here'. Don't you leave it). I can't comprehend what he is trying to do and I am not sure if it can work or not, but lets just do as he says, because through that we might make his plan for Pakistan successful.

My worries, however, lies on foreign relations.
The truth is, that the only way I have seen relations really work is damage. If you can have damage you are respected unless you are like some traitors (you-knnow-who). Me, hating people. Shite, I must be turning ecorrupt as well but oh well can't help it just yet.

So we must organize our military.
We do have reasonable damage.
We can even do some world class damage.
Yes, indeed we can, but not in our present conditions. Even if we do have, nobody cares about it as it isn't organized.
We have to organize.
We have to get all our resources together.
We have to coordinate!

Special Services Group is on its way to being rebuilt while we have got most of our stronger soldiers in there. Even raao the founder and commander of Lashkar moved to SSG in the spirit of gathering under a single unit. And organizing. I must commend him for that o7
Once SSG is rebuilt we will move on to Pakistan Army, and hopefully reboot it too.

Organizing the military is just a pre-requisite for making others take Pakistan seriously, and not some random individuals, while dealing in foreign affairs. But more importantly. We should empower and improve the institution of Foreign Affairs Ministry. For empowerment of ePakistan and not some individuals.

For that we must make our foreign relations dependent on ambassadors and foreign affairs minister. Give them rights, give them duties.

First thing that should be done in that respect is that next Prez and Foreign Affairs Minister should send ambassadors to important countries.

Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), China, Hungary, Iran, Brazil, USA and India at least.
We might not find that many people willing to the task as well as willing to fulfill the duties. So two or more countries could be given to a single person if he could handle it.

Their most important duty should be keeping an eye on their respective country's(s') media. Most of the articles are published in their own languages still they must read the articles which get more than a specified number of votes through the google translator. Then they should keep us updated fortnightly of all thats going on in their assigned countries through media while they should also keep our country's important stuff published in their assigned country's media.

Their rights should be that whenever something is to be done which might effect any country where our ambassadors are present. The ambassador should be informed of each and everything and don't eff around with secrecy bullshit unless its going into action in less than 12 hours. Because after that it leaks out eventually. And as it happens, only our own newbies are left in ignorance. And of course show some god-damn trust in your own men. With the case of that 12 hours thingy they should be explained everything later on.
In-fact I think when we have to contact someone (someone below prez and MOFA, they should be contacted by their corresponding offices) and if it isn't on emergency basis it should be done through those ambassadors. So they could learn and make contacts.

All above things should be same for the MOFAs and DMOFAs as well but of course on international level.

These are my proposals to the upcoming prez. I hope something is done of that.
Lets Make ePakistan Stronger, Together!


av khan or _Sora_(on IRC)