[[SHADOW GOVERNMENT]]: Constitution Vote Update

Day 1,013, 13:49 Published in Thailand Thailand by Thai Ministry of Communication

As of the writing of this article, it is 14:00 eRep time on Day 1013. 26 hours are left in which to vote on the new Constitution.

As of right now, voting turnout has been small, but overwhelingly positive. Don't forget, if you are a citizen Level 12 or over, you may vote on the new Constitution. You still have three choices:

YES. If this option wins, the Constitution will come into force.
NO. If this option receives the most votes, the Constitution will be redrafted.
PARTIAL. If this option receives the most votes, the changes that citizens suggest will be considered, and the Constitution will be modified to reflect those changes. A new referendum will be held once that happens.

Let's get more votes!