[SFPOM] Release #11

Day 2,888, 13:48 Published in USA USA by Lunete2.0

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SFP Official Media Release #11
Place: SFP Headquarters
Date: 17/10/2015 (Day 2886)

Welcome to SFP Official Media!

Today’s agenda includes:
0. Ohmygosh new decals
1. Chairwoman's Message
2. SFP Party President Politics
3. A Little Chat
4. Bear Cavalry Updates
5. Over the Back Fence

Jaden A
Sfp Party President

Party President Elections Report

Comrades, our turn out in the recent Party President elections was not only unprecedented; it was incredible, and the results were incredibly close!  After a nail-biter of a day, the final election results were:

Jaden A. ~ 45 votes ~ 49.45%
Kevin Sheridan ~ 43 votes ~ 47.25%
zvoc ~ 2 votes ~ 2.2%
Jackson0418 ~ 1 vote ~ 1.1%

With only a 2 vote difference in an election with 91 votes cast, I am proud to say that I was elected your new Party President and Revolutionary Committee Chairwoman!

Revolutionary Committee

Now that the elections are over, there are things to be done!  First, I will announce my picks for voting members for the October-November term!  They are:

Tom Cauchon
Jude Connors
Mama Lunete
Franklin Stone
Kevin Sheridan

Any SFP member who wishes to have an advisory position in RevCom is welcome to join!  Just sign up here.  Do this by the 19th at latest!

Congressional Primary

The Call to Congress is also open, as well!  Any SFP member who wants to participate in national politics should throw his/her hat in the ring!  We had more seats last term than people who wanted to fill them.  Do not let your inexperience deter you.  Sign up for our primary here!  Do this by the 19th at latest, as well!

Tom Cauchon
SFP Vice President

SFP Party President Politics

Let me first start off with a WOW.

What a great turnout for SFP this month. What a great election, and great candidate pool from SFP. I honestly couldn’t be more excited for this month.

Let me first start by stating the best news of this election. SFP totaled 91 votes in this PP election, up 40% from last month’s 65 votes. That’s some serious improvement, cheers to the insanely successful Recruiting Department led by WookyJack this past month.

Let’s take a quick look at the other T6 parties vote counts:
Fe😛 96
SFP: 91
USWP: 81
BSP: 74
WTP: 55
AMP: 54

Only 5 votes out from sweeping the board as the top voting party, nice work SFP.

We had 4 candidates on the ballot this month for our Party Presidential elections, but our two main contenders were Jaden A. and Kevin Sheridan, two prominent members of SFP, but it should be mentioned that both would have been first-time SFP Party Presidents.

In the end, Jaden A. managed to trump Kevin’s 43 votes with her own 45 votes, marking one of the closest SFP elections in living memory (this is why we have PQ around, so he can correct me on these sorts of things).

Therefore, the official results are as follows:

Jaden A.
45 votes

Kevin Sheridan
43 votes

I personally will be serving as Jaden’s Vice President/Chief of Staff this month, so if you have any problems this month, feel free to reach out to me, Tom Cauchon, and I will respond promptly. Thanks.

Mama Lunete
Media Director, SFPOM

A Little Chat

Nothing hugely interesting from me today, some general information and quality of life improvements and some notes

First I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Mojoujou for his awesome new graphics for the Official Media, you’re looking at them right now, aren’t they so good?

And also a huge congratulations to Miss Jaden A for winning the Party President Elections in an extraordinarily close battle with Kevin Sheridan. Jaden’s only a few months older than I am in-game but already she’s made a name for herself as a reliable and professional player who is rarely wrong, and always gets things done.

I think she’ll do a fine job.

The SFPOM should be released on Saturdays from the next issue on. I’m not sure what time, I’ll have to negotiate a time with the official host of the media EddieA, because time-zones make things rather confusing, and he has a habit of going to sleep without me noticing. In any case I hope we can work things out for the next issue.

I look forward to working with everyone new this term, and everyone old too. It’s a huge honour to be allowed to work on the SFPOM with all of the history it carries, and all of the importance it carries (at least I think so) with the future of the party.

So thanks for believing in my everyone, I’ll do my best!

Bear Cavalry Commander

Bear Cavalry Updates

Just a quick note from Bear Cavlary Command. First I would like to thank Kevin Sheridan and Tom Cauchon for accepting permanent positions at 2nd Commanders of BC. Along with Artela - First Regiment Captain and EddieA - Build a Bear director and Fourth Regiment Captain, we will all continue to lead BC to fight for Freedom and Justice throughout the world. I am currently working on a Mass PM which will include a number of other Troopers, Past Commanders, advisors and SFP dignitaries. I will count on these folks to help us direct BC and keep it one of the finest Freedom Fighting MUs out there.

I would like to send a special thank you to Edgar Figaro as well. He has done the Build a Bear gold drops (up to .3 gold per day now by the way) religiously every day for quite a while now. It is a lot of work and he should know that we all appreciate his help in making our Bear Cubs strong and fierce!

More to come from Bear Cavalry and please feel free to join our small but mighty band of revolutionaries. Ursa Fi!!!

Comrade Franklin Stone
Soldier of Fortune

Over the Back Fence: Congressional Attendance

White House Press Report (WHPR)
'Congress Week 2 started off with Sign-in, exactly how it should start, apart from the fact that DSoH Jaden A. started in thread in the wrong sub-forum. Anyway, all 16 Socialist congressmen signed in showing 100% presentees while the sign-in record from USWP was 7/13, Feds was 8/12, AMP was 8/10 while WTP having 7/9, which adds up to total of 46/60.'

The Socialist Freedom Party has made it a point over the last several months to hunt Multi Accounts and it has had a great effect on the numbers of the Top 5 parties, getting rid of accounts that are used simply to vote; now I wish to address the above numbers. As can be seen 2 of the Top 5 barely had half their Congress members bother to sign in for the week, 2 others had 2 members each not sign in; now my question is: 'How many of those 14 who did not bother to sign in are actually multi accounts?' This is the biggest reason why I feel that The Code of the eUS - Title 1: Procedure must be revised, in order to establish a punishment for not following Congressional Procedure.

This month during the 94th Congress Sign-In we saw several prominent leaders from the WTP and USWP who failed -as Congressional Code and Decorum calls for- to sign in. Then as reported in the White House Press Report (WHPR) in Week 2 only 46/60 Congress Members bothered to sigin, IMO those 14 Congress Members who failed to sign in should not have be able to vote during the week of 10/6 - 10/12.  Now here is the 94th Congressional Sing-In Wk 3 for the week of 10/13 -10/20 and even fewer (36/60) Congress Members have bothered to sign in, again those who failed to sign in should be not be allowed to vote during this week.

Again looking at the above numbers we see that the USWP had 6 Members who did not sign in, the Feds were just a tad better with 8; the AMP and WTP only had 2 members who did not sign in and the ONLY party with 100% attendance was the Socialist Freedom Party. This coming Congressional Election remember which party cared enough to show up and who did not, remember which Congress Members did not do the job you felt they should have done; then no matter which party you belong to demand those who did not get it done be left off the ballot. When you go to the polls on October 25 remember who has members 100% dedicate to representing the People in Congress, remember which party was willing to stand toe to toe with the trolls and demand Democratic rule and not Inquisitional Witch Hunts led by Religious Fanatics.