[SFP] Tampering with democracy & the election aftermath

Day 3,679, 11:21 Published in USA Spain by Rosa Violet Carson
pig-disgusting business ahead!

Dear members of the Socialist Freedom Party,

Democracy is something we should believe in; one player - one vote, that's the rule. Democracy is a system that mirrors the will of the people! Every new election representatives are chosen by the majority of votes they gather.
In the meta-realm, democracy can be bypassed. Ask our outgoing party president TheNorm how it's done! Messing with democracy by executive orders, overriding voting procedures, ignoring election-results & therefor the will of the people is a sign of drifting into dictatorship. You have to ask yourself one question: why would someone want to operate this way? Why intervening into this process? I can't tell you a valid reason, because I would never do that!
In the game itself, democracy cannot be shut down: there are game rules that are encoded & implemented, they cannot be changed.
On the other hand, vicious un-democratic forces can tamper with democracy even in this game. They can "adjust" the results, force their "will" onto the party & create results, that are more "acceptable" for them & their agendas.
I'll show you how it's done by analyzing our recent party election.

First, take a good look at this image:

This is a screenshot from the https://www.erepublik-deutschland.de web-page. It shows our party statistics on yesterday's election day. The data is factual; you cannot tamper with it, you cannot say it's wrong or untrue.
Keep this picture in mind and I will tell you the story.
(Side-note: I will also add here and there screenshots of the SFP recent party-feed, just to illustrate the ways of political intolerance, slander & malicious attacks happening last night & today, so you don't have to endure a wall of text. You get images with text LOL!)

In yesterday's election our party had a choice, a democratic choice: to vote for the pre-picked candidate that is acceptable to the eUS fascist elite, Maxwell Hanz, or to go the other way and vote for an independent candidate, who values our tradition of being freedom loving individuals & revolutionaries, who seek justice, fairness & equality.

It was a tight race at first, as the votes started coming in; Max & me were switching places, one time he was leading, the other time it was me.
But then funny things started to happen: we started to gain new members on election-day. Suddenly 3 members, commanders & captains of the military unit C4 Cannon Cockers joined our party: chazp, adrjo & hazelh. I don't know who invited them to come over on election day. Some might say they were invited by their MU buddies: Tristan C, crvnazvezda & Neron Trocki, already in the party. Or were they called in by someone else? (Frank Stone cough! cough!) After they arrived Max started getting more votes. But it was still a tight race!

Then Veritas Triumphus joined. Well, it comes very handy when you accuse your political opponent of being a PTO candidate and one former member of the Shoe-People (know eSerbian PTO group in the past) visits your party on election day. There is the proof you needed! Needless to say that Gnilraps, creator of the Easy Company eUS-military-junta (and self-proclaimed eUS VP for life) made a deal with their home-base party American Freedom Alliance some months ago, while he was PP of USWP. The deal was to get their votes for congress eletions and for that favor, USWP run their candidate on their list, Goxi HN, who then made it into congress. How convenient!

Then another fishy thing happene😛 former Pig-Potus & Fed-at-heart WhyDoIBotherToo left the party. He had some urgent business to do: to further organize this charade with his puppet-masters! He immediately joined the EZC "so-called apolitical" party, to better coordinate the election-engineering. Almost at the same time HarleyQuinn joined. It's not a secret that our current CP Melissa Rose openly stated many times, that this is the account her daughter is playing. Knowing Melissa is the biggest multi-account operator in the eUSA, I have my doubts if that is true. Surely Max was gla😛 one more vote for him!

Then three more members joined SFP. WhyDoIBotherToo was obviously doing a great job!
The cherry on top: bamber wasn't even a eUS citizen, until yesterday. Guess who approved his CS request? You guessed right: WhyDoIBotherToo again.
Take a look:

Maybe he came too late to cast the vote for Max (at least so he says), but he ended up in the "right" party (SFP) and right MU (EZC * Has switched in the meantime to BC), as ordered by his elite-handlers!
At one time of night I was exhausted and went to sleep. The result at this point was 39 for Max, 32 for me. When I woke up saw the final score: Max gained 7 more votes, I got none. Should I say that this is (mathematically speaking) very unusual, especially knowing all, that was happening "behind the scene"??
Now the election needs to be verified. I presume Max got it. What can we expect? Judging by his last term: he will be active for a couple of days, then drift into absence & come back at the end of term, writing a fare-well article & endorsing another "official" candidate. Who? I know it's not gonna be me!

Dear Max, should I now congratulate you on this victory?
Are you proud you've won in this kind of fashion?

Now I'm already eagerly awaiting troll comments from the elite oligarchs & puppets, as already seen in the our party-feed.

What did really happen to our party?

Here's the real story: we have been PTO-ed by the Feds and the EZC MU. It started months ago. The increase in members was not because we had a great recruiting team (this is what the Fed-EZC-fraction of SFP wants you to believe), but because it was planed this way by the higher echelons of the eUS elite! And it happened silently, without the most of us even noticing it!

So where do we stand now, as a party?

We have lost our true spirit, we've forgotten on what kind foundation this once glorious party was built: tolerance, acceptance of different political views (I accept yours, while fighting for different ones with arguments, not blatant lies, deception, hate, homophobia or bigotry), solidarity, equality and freedom! As I said it before: political forces not native to our party's history & democratic tradition have pushed us into a downward-spiral of the worst kin😛 a unquestioned obedience to the corrupt eUS elites, slavery to a handful of power-hungry individuals, who took this nation hostage long time ago. They will never let go. They will use all means!

Most bothersome: our members are lured to the so-called "official" SFP Discord. What you can find there is shocking: some members distribute fascist iconography, share holocaust-denying propaganda, anti-Semitic content & even stream Hitler speeches in the voice channel. Without any repercussion! And I thought the tip of the iceberg of the filthy elite-meta-game were pictures of IS/ISIS terrorist on forum-avatars (Kemal Ergenecon cough! caugh!)

What can we do about all of this I've summarized here?

I can tell you what I will do: I will keep on fighting the good fight & I'm calling all of you who see the "big picture" to join in!
Let's stop this destruction of values, let's get on track; let us end this evil kind of game-play & raise above it!

I know we can do it, I know we will!



Yours truly


P.S.: Here's a final message to my supporters (thank you for your trust & votes) as well as my opponents: I'm not leaving, not going anywhere; I will stay until the day we will be victorious!