[SFP] Freedom at last!

Day 3,519, 15:48 Published in USA USA by Citizen 8942290

Comrades and Friends,

there are countless ways to enslave the people: you can make them depended on food, you can exploit their work, giving them poor salaries. You can brain-wash their minds with propaganda and lies through the media. You can enslave them by spreading fear, making up false threats. You can do it by verbally attacking their ideals, in order to break their confidence. Then when they slide into apathy, you can easily put those chains onto them, on their shoulder a heavy burden of made-up duties, even convince some that they actually are free!
This is true in the real world as it is in our e-world.
This is the modus operandi of every corrupt system, it's behind every ruling oligarchy, its the road that leads to dictatorship and slavery.

The most important thing you can have is your freedom.

Freedom isn't simply given to you, handed over from a higher authority. Freedom is something you have to chose and fight for, if necessary.

Is it a coincidence that right around the 4th of July, the Socialist Freedom Party declared their independence and got their freedom back? We decided to stop serving this corrupt empire, we departed from the oppressive eUS meta-forum. This was not by accident, it was well planed and coordinated.

But let me start the narrative at the beginning of last month. Unhappy seeing POTUS candidates coming to us, asking for support of our voting body, but ignoring us when handing out executive positions, we decided to regulate the POTUS Primary process, for outside candidates seeking our endorsement. After discussion, our Congressional Caucus approved and the Revolutionary Committee (RC) voted unanimously in favor of this regulation. It reads:

POTUS Primary Legislation
"It is a prerequisite for a presidential candidate, seeking SFP endorsement for CP election, to have at least 1 (one) closer cabinet member from our party (SFP). The position in the cabinet should be announced prior of the Primary Potus election on the SFP forum. A real cabinet position is required (VP, SoS, MoD etc; positions like Minister of Fun or First Lady are not valid, as well as deputy positions. New party members or less known players require a confirmation by the RC."

The pig-disgusting elite was ignoring us, while spreading disinformation, through comments and posts, how we are unfit to govern, unreliable and scattered across our political spectrum. They were only interested in our votes.
During the same time new relationship was being built between us and the Black Sheep Party. Through an in-game group message the congress delegation of SFP and BSP, as well as both our party leaderships discussed, coordinated and voted on decisions, resulting in both our parties leaving the mata-forum.
This proved that we can each across party-lines and work together with those that share our values and goals.
Then this happene😛 private communiques from this in-game group message were leaked by "a mole or moles" to the pig-elitist.
Immediately the cabal went berserk. First they tried to lure us into shady discussions about abolishing the meta-constitution (Azazel) After this they've started witch-hunts against those that vote NO for CBO money donations Gnilraps). What they didn't understand (and I am not sure they ever will): we don't need to hang out on their toxic forum to play this game.

In order to illustrate the mind-sets of these people, I will quote what a former CP (Molly Emma) said (these words were approved by another former CP - Orik):

"If I were Derp, I would be on the DMs talking to every one of our enemies and doing whatever I needed in order to get us invaded. Politically, now is safest time since it can be pinned on the crybabies who no longer want to play "by the rules" and jeopardize what little we have left with their immature behavior. From the fun perspective, sooner rather than later is better. Yesterday would be best."

Let's contemplate on this for a moment.
When the pig-disgusting meta-cabal feels threatened, they will do whatever they think is necessary to maintain their political power. They would rather get us wiped (or install a dictator) then accept political changes in our community. Our power-hungry double-faced elitist pigs are the cancer of this game since Day One. Greed, hatred toward political opponents and the desire to control every aspect of this game is what drives their ambition. They will lie, steal and cheat. For every dishonest behavior they will present a "valid" explanation, for every mistake they will find an excuse.
By leaving their meta-game, we have put an end to their self-proclaimed meta-authority - we are now FREE!

Then another occurrence raised big waves. Seeing how the USWP congressmen recruit their party-members abroad, giving out CS passes to two foreigners (approved recently by Animis and Pfeiffer) I have accepted one player into the eUSA. Not anyone, but a internationally well established player, former country president and comrade socialist. I, unlike USWP, lack the meta-approval coming from nobody else but a USWP icon and meta-IES chairman Wild Owl.
Immediately fear-mongering about a PTO started and a storm of accusations coming from many pig-elites followed. They started even questioning SFP's decision about removal from pig-meta. A meddling into internal party affairs was obviously being done systematically. Elitist agents fabricated even more wild accusations, going crazy in the game-media. This however stirred a process of unease in our own party; dissident voices started throwing out accusations about my personal misbehavior as party president. To resolve this and to clear things up I make the following statement:

The decision to withdraw from the eUS meta-forum, the decision to declare the meta-authority null and void was an unanimously one. There was not a single voice raised against it. Meta-legislation is not binding for us anymore. We will organize our party as we see fit, in accordance with our party's constitution.
The joint departure of us and the Black Sheep party was not a spontaneous act; for almost two months both party-leaderships and congress-members discussed this topic, reaching a mutual agreement. As current party president and congressman of the SFP, I will do my best to uphold our cooperation and improve our relations with the Black Sheep party even more, on the basis of open communication and democratic principles, now free from meta-limitations.

For the double faced pig-disgusting meta-cabal I have this message:

I know you are considering an "invisible" political take-over of the SFP, by interfering in our party elections in-game, sending outside voters on election day. Be aware that this would open Pandora's box and have tremendous consequences.

Brothers and Sisters,
when we are united, we can accomplish anything!
The Freedom we have gained, leaving the meta-cabal to play with themselves, opened up a whole new horizon. Wasn't this the dream we always ha😛 to be free and independent.
Don't let your minds be poisoned by fake elitist propaganda: be critical, but be also loyal to your party and to our principles.

Freedom should be a right, granted to everyone.

And freedom needs to be respected by everyone.

Without freedom, we are nothing!