[SFP] CentoMAX-imize

Day 3,758, 20:52 Published in USA USA by Centomax

As you all may know, I didn't have a very successful run for eUSA Country President, but that doesn't stop the young Centomax. I knew the risks and I accepted them so here I am, making a come back for the good of the SFP. I have spoken to many of the past party presidents of the SFP and have gotten so much advice and praise that I am going to do my absolute best to make this a great month for the SFP.

Now here I am, to bring SFP to the TOP! I, Centomax, am hereby announcing my candidacy to be the Socialist Freedom Party's Party President for the month of March-April 2018.

My SFP Cabinet:

Vice President -Salty

Salty, has not only been a PP for the SFP, but he has also been the most influential to me. He served as VP for Dillon Richards during his current term and has done, in my opinion, an outstanding performance in his duties helping Dillon manage the party.

Secretary General - Shiloh13

Shiloh13 has been influential to not only me but also to the SFP and the Bear Calvary, of which he commands. Shiloh is one of the first people to have come to me in eRepublik to assist in anything I needed, and I find that a very valuable trait. He has also been in party leadership on numerous occasions while simutenously performing his duties in Bear Calvary.

Councillor - Niemand

This will be Niemands second consecutive term in the role of Councillor, just because he has done a fantastic job of running not only 1, but 2 programs without a hitch. He also oversees our treasury along with the help of Jimmy Cincinnati.

Spokesman - Dillon Richards

As you know may him by his famous PP platform slogan "Pick the Pickle",
Dillon Richards is the incumbent Party President of the SFP. Dillon has done a fantabulous job this month and I figured, why not keep him on the team for this month? That's what I have decided to do. Dillon has helped me in so many ways this month, including assisting me with my run for CP. He advised me to the point where I thought he was going to tell me to go away.

There is no doubt in my mind, that with this great team, we can get SFP to the TOP!

Now without further adou, MY PLATFORM!!

This month, my platform will focus on extending and maintaining the legacy of past party presidents and by also instituting new programs to help our new players. We will also maintain an exceptionally strong media presence this month to keep our party in the TOP 5 media articles.

I will continue to honour the SFP's commitment to the eInternationale, who have become our allies in freedom and to maintain its steady growth. The eInternationale has let the SFP meet with many parties around the eWorld that share our goals of international freedom. One of our members, Leon Guiterrez, has been active in this organization and helped its founding. Its current chairman, Servantes, has been extremely helpful into getting all the organizations parties together and trading ideas. I will be sure to keep our presence in this organization.

New Players Mentorship Program
This month, we will strengthen our outreach to our new players by strengthening our mentorship program and educating them on how we operate not only in the party but also in country politics and game mechanics. New players have been thrown into the dark side in the past. I will not allow this to continue nor will many of my comrades. We have instituted the Q1 Housing Program, which is currently run by Niemand. We have also opened up our Daily Rations, which is currently ran by Illene Dover and Training Ground Upgrade, which is currently ran by our lovely Niemand. We will continue the operation of these programs for our new comrades.

During the past party administrations, we have successfully increased our presence in congress. We have ran into hiccups with some members, but we learn from our mistakes and try again. My goal this month, is to get 13 of our comrades into congress. We are currently at 11, so I do not believe it is a difficult goal to reach.

Party Participation
My goal this month is to get the ENTIRE SFP in on the fun. I love ideas and I want each and every one of my comrades to give ideas to help not only myself, but future party administrations, to help improve the SFP for the better good. To get us to the top! No more number 2 or number 3, we will get to NUMBER ONE!

Well, this concludes my announcement for candidacy, my cabinet and my platform article. I have many places where I can place comrades to assist the party, all you have to do is ask. Everyone fits somewhere, if you do not know, we can teach you. Our community is great at helping other members, you just have to ask for it.

CentoMAX-imize the SFP on March 15th! Vote for Centomax!